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Minervo's Application

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  • REJECTED: Minervo's Application

    Your information

    - Real Name (OPTIONAL): Jordi
    - Age (OPTIONAL): 21
    - Country (OPTIONAL): Chile
    - Do you speak fluent English? (IMPORTANT): I speak English well, but I would like to learn more
    - What other languages do you speak?: Spanish and Portuguese


    In-game Information

    - Nickname: Minervo
    - Previous nicknames: Jordi, Shapeless
    - Previous clans (and why you left): [M4] I left the clan in 2016 to create another, [wW] I left because i got banned in 2017, [A] members inactives [AK] idk the reason why I left and [S] as member trial and i failed because I got ban in 2018
    -Trusted Player or Admin :


    Introduce yourself

    - Tell us about yourself: My real name is Jordi Andrés and I born in Spain but I'm in Chile since 2004
    - Why did you decide to apply to us?: Because my best friends in GamerX are in [S]
    - What should we expect from you during your app period?: Patience and calm
    - Were you invited by a clan member of S? If yes, by who?: Yes, by Teddy


    SA-MP Information

    - Your weapon set? (if you have a secondary set, tell us):Sawn Off-Tec9/UZI and M4
    - How long have you been playing SA:MP?: Since 2013
    - Did you ever cheat or use illegal programs?: I never used cheats, I'm clean

  • #2
    I trust that you'll be loyal, it's a yes from me!


    • #3
      Ok i dont know you that well, but since Teddy invited you to clan i will give you yes.
      Keep in mind that i dont trust you since you were banned 2 times, one time even on S trial.
      If you get accepted, welcome and dont forget that im watching you.
      Best of luck boy.


      • #4
        Yes from me, Hope you will be loyal and wont break our trust


        • #5
          Last time you applied it was almost 2 years ago :
          I voted no as you can see I had the feeling you're not ready but Zed decided to give you a chance as Trial member and you did your shit.
          After that I decided to put you on the black list of this clan.
          After almost 2 years I came back to play a bit and had request from owner Teddy to remove you from black list after he told me you're cool now ,also Churre told me the same you're cool.
          I'm not active but I see sometimes whats going on here.
          Your last applicaiton you told me you're a new guy and you changed but I didnt belive that as you see. and my vote didnt change.
          Anyway all I can say it's don't fuck this time.
          I dont belive to nicely words only actions prove me you're new guy and youre loyal.
          I dont vote yes or no I just had to clear some points. my clan mates will vote and owner Teddy will decide what to do.
          Good luck Jordi.
          Denied and Blacklisted.
          Last edited by Hoia; 30-03-20, 01:41 PM.


          • #6
            You are a nice guy but in my opinion I guess you need more time in the server and the only thing which binds me off from giving you a yes is loyalty issues, try to prove your loyalty to the clan members and you might get a yes next time.
            For now it's a NO.


            • #7
              I don't trust idiots.
              Never ever try to apply henceforth.


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