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Warrior's [AK] App. [REJECTED]

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  • Warrior's [AK] App. [REJECTED]

    1) Nickname (in-game): XWarriorX
    2) Previous nickname(s) (in-game): Aleem_Khan & Ralf__Jones
    3) Previous clan(s): -
    4) Why did you leave those clans?: -
    5) Score: 5.8k
    6) Time spent in-game: 146 hours.
    7) Deathmatch skills: C-bug , 2 Shots
    8) Why do you want to join [AK]?: I like the clan members + Most of my friends are in this clan.
    9) In which case would you leave the clan: Kick or Hate from clan members
    10) Did you invited by any [AK] member? If yes, By who?: -
    Last edited by XWarriorX; 06-01-19, 01:18 PM.

  • #2
    Thanks for posting application here but I can't trust you. You don't meet requirements either.
    You're just clan hopping, it wont help you to join here. I saw many name/clan changes from you this week.


    Clanless for at least 2 weeks - If you don't meet this requirement, you will be automatically denied
    Clanless, but "recent applications" in other clans will be considered as clan-hopper, you will be automatically denied.

    Time Requirement - At least 150+ Hours in game. Use /tr to check your time.

    also you just been active after this. For me you need more time yet.

    Originally posted by XWarriorX
    3) Previous clan(s): -
    4) Why did you leave those clans?: -
    Lying in the application will not help you as I saw you with [DS] tag yesterday also other tags this week

    No from me, you need to improve yourself.


    • #3
      Lying in the application will not help you as I saw you with [DS] tag yesterday also other tags this week
      I just used [DS] tag , and it's not an official clan of this server nor my permanent clan , I was just putting this tag because it's my clan in other servers , and my clan members won't join this server , so I won't create this clan in this server , and yeah , I don't meet time requirements , Sorry for this.


      • #4
        Well first and foremost, I admit asking you if you`d like to join AK in the future. But after talking with you and understanding your purpose for joining, I told you that you might not yet be ready. So that does not count as an invitation from my side. I just wanted to know what you had in mind, that`s all. I view that as a complete misunderstanding from both sides so it`s okay this time.

        Now coming to your application, I recall our conversation. You weren`t sure about joining AK. And the reason was, you weren`t happy with a tag next to your name. You thought that your name was cooler without a clan tag. I found it to be pretty lame, to be very honest. It felt as if you took AK extremely lightly, and the reason for your hesitation was pretty absurd as well. You also mentioned that if your clan from another server joined GamerX, you`d leave AK and join them. It made me doubt your loyalty. That is exactly why I did not proceed with the invitation, and told you that considering your approach, you might just not be ready for a reputed clan like AK.

        I see that minimum requirements say you need to have 150 hours of in-game time, while you have 146. Kindly go through the requirements carefully, you could have easily applied after completing those 4 hours. It just portrays carelessness and leaves a negative impression on the members. Anyway, requirements are there so that we are assured of you being regular. And that denying just because of that little 4 hour difference would be injustice, in my opinion at least. So I don`t consider the requirement issue as a concern.

        Also, Krrish mentioned about [DS] tag. It definitely is not an actual clan, and I think you were the only person on GamerX with that clan tag. If I were you, I`d put the AK tag on some other server as well, despite no other AK member playing there. The [DS] tag is not an issue either in my opinion, since you were the only person on GX with that tag. A clan with one member cannot be called a clan.

        You are skilled in DM, so I don`t have any complains in that department.

        The only issue which prevents me from arriving at a proper conclusion is your loyalty. I am not sure if you`d be loyal to AK, and if you`d not leave us for no reason. Since you have had the guts to apply on forums where everyone is a witness, I believe you are totally confident in your decision. I am trusting you. Kindly do not let me down.

        Yes, from me. Don`t make me regret my decision make. I am arriving to this conclusion after thorough analysis.

        Ps: NEGATIVE. You just logged in-game with another account to hide your identity. And you told me that if you get denied here, you might apply for [S]. I told you, the most important criteria for me, above skill, is loyalty.
        Last edited by Lei; 06-01-19, 01:33 PM.


        • #5
          i dont agree with lei, imo [DS] still a clan tag even it has only 1 member. i also have some doubts on you still even we are friend so No from me for now friend


          • #6
            You don't meet the requirements , and i agree with Tran No


            • #7
              All have been said, No from me.


              • #8

                You may re-apply on 07/02/2019.


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