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  • Hey guys, as some of you noticed I'm not playing as before, main reason is because I'm about to finish my grade and it's not going so well
    so I need to take some time to study and focus on my things.

    I will keep in touch via forum, but I won't be able to join in the server for at least 1 month until I finish my grade, I'll come with news if I win or lose it.

    Have a good day everyone, good luck!


    • I have decided to leave the community for a while. I just want to thank you all for the great time. Bye
      Last edited by Tarantula; 27-06-16, 07:53 AM.
      Yours sincerely

      Prof. Dr. Tarantula


      • Originally posted by Tarantula View Post
        I have decided to leave the community. I just want to thank you all for the great time. Bye
        But why? o.0 Anyway, cya bb!


        • Lorsi your topic got locked so I couldn't send the message I had wrote so I will share what I was going to write:
          Awwh mann! I literally have nothing to say. I just have to get in a few words. Ever since the start, it was you who I took as inspiration, not when I was nub because I didn't know you but like exactly a year ago around the May time having read your forum posts etc, you seemed like a very intellectual, 'straight-to-the-point' type of person. Around that time was where I become super active on forums, and to this day, the long, informatic replies you see from me are inspired by you. Also when I was a nub ingame I'd try stalking you (it's aallll coming out) to see if you were doing stuff which I was missing out on (helpful stuff) and I also attempted to get admin kills since stats really mattered to me. As time went, after my first 2 nub TP apps, I realised I wasn't doing enough on forums, in fact on my 3rd app your massive 600 word essay reaaalllly helped me and I formulated a checklist which I'd tick off and if I wasn't doing enough of something, I'd do a lot more the next day. I am proud to say when I reapplied after a month and a bit, I had the BEST new years eve ever getting all postive votes in a span of 2 hours. It was crazy and your phrase "You're the perfect example of how a good player is" reallly stood in me. I lost it a bit after TP, I kept making silly mistakes like posting in places where I shouldn't have, getting into arguments etc. It's been like 3 months and I am trying to get back up top having realised how shit I became after getting TP. I appreciate alll the help and support you have given me LorSimon and I will continue to try be the best goddamn player that I could be (like you ). Unlike a 3 or 4 admins who seem to be two-faced (Don't understand the point of your admin complain) who I also used to look up to. You were different trying to remove the inequality between levels, you definitely made a change in how a lot of us saw the server. I promise you I will try continue what you couldn't do and I'll try make here a better place although I am a powerless level 2 player. xd
          Goodbye bro, have a good one.

          ps. Keep hittin the gym

          Hey bro didn't know you too much but you were awesome at finding bugs and I was impressed. You have a crazy history here at GamerX and one thing I'd like to say is thank you for donating to this community. All of the owners and management work hard and they do it for free for the most part which is crazy but you donated so GG on that! Bye and Good luck!
          Last edited by Eliteus; 30-05-16, 02:50 PM.
          Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


          • Originally posted by Eliteus View Post
            Lorsi your topic got locked so I couldn't send the message I had wrote so I will share what I was going to write:
            Awwh mann! I literally have nothing to say. I just have to get in a few words. Ever since the start, it was you who I took as inspiration, not when I was nub because I didn't know you but like exactly a year ago around the May time having read your forum posts etc, you seemed like a very intellectual, 'straight-to-the-point' type of person. Around that time was where I become super active on forums, and to this day, the long, informatic replies you see from me are inspired by you. [...]
            Your words really makes me happy. Also it's really nice to see that there is someone who appreciates the things I did and got inspired by them.

            As I said in your TP application, for me you are just a perfect example of how a good player should be, and I'm still thinking the same. It's REALLY hard to find people who aren't afraid of expressing themselves to do what it's right, even when they know they're gonna get haters because of that.

            I promise you I will try continue what you couldn't do and I'll try make here a better place although I am a powerless level 2 player.
            Power doesn't really come from a level. By levels you only get commands and shits to create a fake "control" which is based on fear, censorship and oppression over other people. The real power comes from your actions and your effort to make things better. And yes, sadly corrupted, asslickers and double-faced people are a majority not only in games but everywhere; but as long as you're being faithful to your principles, you can go to sleep calmly without worrying about how many new haters you got.

            However, that's really nice that you want to do the right things, keep that up! and cya mate!
            I didn't choose to be latin, I just had luck.


            • LorSimon when you posted you'r Topic about you leaving .... Well i was sleeping at that time and it got locked at that time aswell. Anyway it's really sad to see a that good player who is leaving the community mate you know we all going to miss you. Also i will miss you even if i didn't know you that much i still know you were a good player and also one of the best! Anyway i will miss you a lot in the server. Good luck with getting the girls and getting rich. Bye then......


              • I did not know where to post it either, but anyways I started my post here so why stopping now.
                For me you were and you are still one of the best person I've ever met in GamerX, you're the kind of people I really enjoy talking/playing with. I felt like I could talk about "everything" with you, even personal stuff I wouldn't entrust to anyone (you know what I mean I guess, and I'm really thankful to you as nowadays I feel way better than weeks ago). I really liked the way you used to help and talk with me . A few hours ago I saw your leaving thread, and I can assure you I felt very bad, and I still do. Recently, one of the player I liked a lot left from one day to another (you knew him, but I'm not gonna mention his name anyways). So I was feeling a bit playing alone, it was no fun, no one to talk to, I didn't like this feeling like no one would. But then I met you and used to know a lot more about you, and I really liked the kind of person you were to me. I had so much great moments playing with you, even though it's been less than a year I know you. I would never forget those memories. You are a really funny person, I would've never thought you'd leave GX nowadays, this just makes no sense for me. As some people said, I hope you will change your mind and keep playing here. Yeah of course, BG, eliteus etc are here, but I will feel sooo bad now. I mean joining the server, and then talking or playing with no one (apart from the squad), euuuhhh no thanks. After some days I will be really tired of this for sure.
                So Lorsimon please, do me a favor and think twice, or thrice, or even more times about your decision, but I don't want it to be the last one coming through your mind. Anyways, if you would leave GX for real (don't dare you !), I hope we would stay in contact somedays, and don't break this friendship, yeah it would suck so much .

                Take care, husband :* (this is not my farewell !)


                • Bueno... como ya te dije antes, siempre tendrás mi respeto, fusite un gran administrador y sos una gran persona.


                  • Originally posted by Ariana_Grande View Post
                    I did not know where to post it either, but anyways I started my post here so why stopping now.
                    For me you were and you are still one of the best person I've ever met in GamerX, you're the kind of people I really enjoy talking/playing with. I felt like I could talk about "everything" with you, even personal stuff I wouldn't entrust to anyone (you know what I mean I guess, and I'm really thankful to you as nowadays I feel way better than weeks ago).[...]
                    Thanks wife for your words, I really liked them <3. You know I also like you a lot. You're also a really good person. I hope everything goes well for you. And yeah, I'll miss you a lot as well. I'll never forget our /pu's and our races! DON'T CRASH ARIANA!! xD

                    We'll figure out a way to keep in contact, but it's hard since you live in 18th century and don't even use any social media xDD... About leaving, I'm very sure of my decision since I don't feel comfortable in this server anymore.

                    Thank you again and you also take care ma wife :**

                    Originally posted by Travis
                    Take care my dude!
                    I'm not sure if this was meant to me, but I guess, xD. Take care you too travisti!! jéjejé

                    Todavía me rio de lo que ya sabes ajjajajaja

                    Originally posted by Domination View Post
                    Bueno... como ya te dije antes, siempre tendrás mi respeto, fusite un gran administrador y sos una gran persona.
                    Gracias, igualmente! Cualquiera que escuche rock y metal tiene mis respetos jaja!

                    Originally posted by Jan_Nissan View Post
                    LorSimon when you posted you'r Topic about you leaving .... Well i was sleeping at that time and it got locked at that time aswell. Anyway it's really sad to see a that good player who is leaving the community mate you know we all going to miss you. Also i will miss you even if i didn't know you that much i still know you were a good player and also one of the best! Anyway i will miss you a lot in the server. Good luck with getting the girls and getting rich. Bye then......
                    Thanks dude, I'll miss your "wb" too . You're a very friendly dude and that's nice, keep that up!
                    Last edited by LorSimon; 31-05-16, 09:33 AM.
                    I didn't choose to be latin, I just had luck.


                    • Originally posted by LorSimon View Post
                      We'll figure out a way to keep in contact, but it's hard since you live in 18th century and don't even use any social media xDD...
                      I'm not planning on losing or getting rid of my husband ! You don't know what I'm capable of doing sir, I will still be here to tease you with my "wtf, ..., pls...", things will go on and not stop so easily . I will find a way to keep contact with you somewhere else by returning back to the 21st century xd, but we will talk about it in pms whenever you want .

                      PS: I will never forget our pu's either, I used to take some screenshots behind your back while racing héhé :**
                      See you soon ma luv <3


                      • A good man leaving the community, damn thats sad. It was great when we were having fun with you ingame. You made us all happy and so on. Right now im going to miss you. Adios mi amigo.
                        PastorRichads: /q for Liberating yourself from the chains and bounds of this Virtual Nightmare

                        <@GX-07> [14] Legend27: nick is indonessian


                        • Originally posted by Nick View Post
                          A good man leaving the community, damn thats sad. It was great when we were having fun with you ingame. You made us all happy and so on. Right now im going to miss you. Adios mi amigo.
                          Jéjéjé, thank you amigo. Good luck on learning spanish (I think you always wanted to learn it).

                          As an apart, Tomorrow is our last meeting together deux sept squad!! It's the last day I'll be in-game so be there puntual!!

                          Persil is in charge of bringing beers and weed! Eliteus bring them bitches but I won't touch them 'cause I alredy have got my wife ariana

                          PS: Persil, I said I didn't have to go tomorrow to uni, but I forgot I actually gotta go to do something there :/, Still I think I'll be here on time

                          Edit: Since ariana couldn't stay more than 10 mins, we'll change the party date for this friday.
                          Last edited by LorSimon; 02-06-16, 11:58 PM.
                          I didn't choose to be latin, I just had luck.


                          • I will be inactive for a day or two since my little brother installed mods and killed the game.


                            • R.I.P Grim's Pc


                              • A few of you already knew that I left the community yesterday. Regardless, for those who didn't know, I decided to leave since too many of my friendship are gone, and I don't want to play anymore as there won't be anything fun. I will only feel bad, and I'm sure nobody would enjoy feeling this way. I joined this server in January 2015 as far as I remember, just so me and persil could have some fun together. Hopefully I met some amazing people, but the sad part is that most of them left or are leaving now. GamerX has been an amazing experience for me, I will never forget it. I enjoyed getting to know some players personally, but now it's time to say my farewells, I will miss every single of you. I don't wanna leave this community being sad, so right now I just keep in mind all of the amazing moments I spent here. But before leaving, I would like to thank all the players I felt close to:

                                *Mike, I'd like to thank you for your attention, for all the things you told me. I hope we'll keep in touch as we planned
                                *Eliteus and Burned, even though I didn't understand everything you said with persil because of references etc... you are still some amazing people, and we shared some really great moments with the 2 7 squad
                                *CoCo, the best friend I had in gamerx, but he already left long time ago
                                *Enjoythenoise, one of the people who always agreed with me, we often used to have endless conversations. On a more serious note, I will really miss you, you were one of the funniest player I could have ever met. Sadly I think it's the end of our friendship since I doubt we'll stay in contact as you never talk ):<
                                *Jan_Nissan, a really nice and trustable person, it was very nice to know you, and yeah I will miss you too. Hopefully we send messages via skype =)
                                *Beer, I will never forget when we used to stalk and kill persil, it was really fun to play with you
                                *LorSimon, well even though we stay in contact, I will miss playing with you here, I will always remember the great moments I spent with my husband

                                I surely forgot a lot of people, sorry if I did, but anyways I will miss you all
                                I will still be here checking the forum, and maybe I will visit you guys from time to time to have some news, but I'm still not sure about it. I wish you all the best in GamerX, have fun and goodbyes !
                                Last edited by Ariana_Grande; 23-06-16, 02:13 PM.


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