We released another small update with some bug fixes and new teleports.
The changes are as follows:
Don't forget to report any bugs here:
See you ingame!
The changes are as follows:
GamerX v4.2.1 - restarted Midday 29th August 2014 (GMT+10)
* Moved the gametext displayed when the Hidden Pickup (Goo) is found down the screen a bit (so it is
not in the center of the screen where players are trying to look when fighting)
* Moved the gametext displayed when the Player Hidden Pickup (P-Goo) is found down the screen a bit (so
it is not in the center of the screen where players are trying to look when fighting)
* Edited the /jetpack (/jp) command to not allow its use when the player is in a red spawn area zone
* Edited the /rocketall level 4+ admin command to not give rockets to players in a red spawn area zone
* Rick: Fixed all of the Event bugs reported on the forum
* Added an IRC echo event for the /attachstreamobjecttovehicl (/asotv) level 4+ admin command
(Note: the command had to be shortened as 26 characters is the maximum command length)
* Changed the /fernando teleport command to /chillidogs (/hotdogs)
* Added the /fernando command to teleport to Fernando's Club in an interior
* Updated the /properties (/props) command to display the 24th page of properties (/props 24)
* Added a small upwards velocity boost to the /hp teleport command (so players do not fall through
when streamed objects are used)
* Added the /manuel command to teleport to Manuel's House in Flint County
* Renamed the /vallon command to /burt0ns (/burtons) as the property name also changed
* Added code to the /drop and /drop2 level 3+ admin commands to prevent them being used on NPCs
* Added the /charger command to teleport to Charger's Parking Lot at the Mulholland Intersection
* Added a small upwards velocity boost to players teleporting to a race that has objects
* Moved the gametext displayed when the Hidden Pickup (Goo) is found down the screen a bit (so it is
not in the center of the screen where players are trying to look when fighting)
* Moved the gametext displayed when the Player Hidden Pickup (P-Goo) is found down the screen a bit (so
it is not in the center of the screen where players are trying to look when fighting)
* Edited the /jetpack (/jp) command to not allow its use when the player is in a red spawn area zone
* Edited the /rocketall level 4+ admin command to not give rockets to players in a red spawn area zone
* Rick: Fixed all of the Event bugs reported on the forum
* Added an IRC echo event for the /attachstreamobjecttovehicl (/asotv) level 4+ admin command
(Note: the command had to be shortened as 26 characters is the maximum command length)
* Changed the /fernando teleport command to /chillidogs (/hotdogs)
* Added the /fernando command to teleport to Fernando's Club in an interior
* Updated the /properties (/props) command to display the 24th page of properties (/props 24)
* Added a small upwards velocity boost to the /hp teleport command (so players do not fall through
when streamed objects are used)
* Added the /manuel command to teleport to Manuel's House in Flint County
* Renamed the /vallon command to /burt0ns (/burtons) as the property name also changed
* Added code to the /drop and /drop2 level 3+ admin commands to prevent them being used on NPCs
* Added the /charger command to teleport to Charger's Parking Lot at the Mulholland Intersection
* Added a small upwards velocity boost to players teleporting to a race that has objects
See you ingame!