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GamerX v4.5.2

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  • GamerX v4.5.2


    Due to a problem with some event code the server had to be restarted and updated.

    Rick said he fixed the problem in the new update we applied.

    The changes in this update are as follows:
    GamerX v4.5.2 - restarted 4pm 12th July 2016 (GMT+10)
    * Rick: Added code so when a player drives by with Autofix On his auto fix is auto disabled
    * Rick: Updated /event so when the first squad is down in the Target Destruction (TD) Event, the player can't join the event
    * Rick: Updated the GamerX Event System, so when an admin loads an event where their object set is missing he is notified
    * Rick: Updated the Target Destruction Event so labels are updated each seconds (before it was updated when a player shooted the object)
    * Rick: Added 15 new Radio Stations (/rad) suggested by Pirate
    * Rick: Added a new Duel Map by SaxBoy
    * Rick: Fixed a crash which occured with /addeventtarget
    * Rick: Fixed a bug with the new event spawn system
    * Rick: Fixed the vehicle bug so if a player joins the race with a static trailer it is respawned (was destroyed)
    * Rick: Updated the /goto (/g) command so players are not notified if their target is using spec when they try to teleport to them whereas goto is disabled
    * Rick: Added a code to warn a player if he pms an other player who is racing
    * Rick: Fixed the /register command so the 3d Text Label is updated
    * Rick: Fixed a bug with /duel so if the target is spectating the duel invitation can't be sent
    * Rick: Updated the report code so when a GXTempName reports a player he is not counted in the total reports count (to kick the reported player)
    * Rick: Added /123 shortcut command to the /countdown (/cd) command
    * Rick: Added /groupduel command to allow a player to set their group duel configuration
    * Rick: Added /invite command to allow a player to invite a player to his group duel
    * Rick: Added /cancel command to allow a player to cancel their group duel (if it's not started)
    * Rick: Added /setduelgroup command to allow a player to set an other player group it's in group duel (if it's not started)
    * Rick: Added /myduel command to allow a player to view their group duel information
    * Rick: Added /startduel command to allow a player to start their group duel
    * Rick: Updated the /endduel level4+ admin command to handle group duels
    * Rick: Updated the /duels command to also list the group duels
    * Rick: Updated the /duel command to improve the invitation dialog text
    * Rick: Added the /loadchase level4+ admin command to load a chase
    * Rick: Added the /chase command to allow a player to join the chase
    * Rick: Added the /startchase level4+ admin command to start the chase
    * Rick: Added the /endchase level4+ admin command to force the chase to end
    * Rick: Added the /forceleavechase level4+ admin command to force a player to leave the chase
    * Rick: Added the /chasers player command to display in a dialog the players who are participating to the chase
    * Rick: Added /chasehelp level4+ admin command to display the commands related to the GamerX Chase
    * Rick: Added /challenge command to allow a player to teleport to a challenge/parkour
    * Rick: Added /loadchallenge level5+ admin command to allow an admin to load a challenge from the database
    * Rick: Added /unloadchallenge level5+ admin command to allow an admin to unload a challenge from the game
    * Rick: Added /buildchallenge level5+ admin command to allow an admin to build their challenge map
    * Rick: Added /exitbuildchallenge level5+ admin command to allow an admin to exit from the challenge building mode
    * Rick: Added /setchallengename level5+ admin command to allow an admin to set their challenge name
    * Rick: Added /setchallengecreator level5+ admin command to allow an admin to set theur challenge objects creator
    * Rick: Added /setchallengeobjectset level5+ admin command to allow an admin to set the challenge's object set
    * Rick: Added /setchallengeweapon level5+ admin command to allow an admin to set the weapon required for the challenge (mainly parachute)
    * Rick: Added /setchallengestart level5+ admin command to allow an admin to set the start position of their challenge
    This command also set the challenge vehicle required and the challenge interior
    * Rick: Added /setchallengevw level5+ admin command to allow an admin to set their challenge virtual world
    This command should be used for on foot challenges
    * Rick: Added /setchallengeweather level5+ admin command to allow an admin to set their challenge weather
    * Rick: Added /setchallengetime level5+ admin command to allow an admin to set their challenge time
    * Rick: Added /setchallengegm level5+ admin command to allow an admin to enable or disable the godmode in a challenge
    * Rick: Added /setchallengeaf level5+ admin command to allow an admin to enable or disable the autofix in a challenge
    * Rick: Added /createchallenge level5+ admin command to allow an admin to save their challenge to the database
    * Rick: Added /editchallenge level5+ admin command to allow an admin to edit a challenge map
    * Rick: Added /buildchallengehelp level5+ admin command to allow an admin to view the commands related to the challenge building mode
    * Rick: Updated the /leave command to handle group duels, chase and challenge
    * Rick: Added the /retry command to teleport back the player to their challenge
    * Rick: Updated the /daso level6+ admin command to make it unload all challenges
    * Rick: Updated the /changename (/cn) command to also update the race records owned by the player
    * Rick: Renamed the /stats command to /stats2
    * Rick: Added the /stats command so player can specify an other player id to make a comparison with their stats
    * Rick: Added Pursuits Won as a new requirement to rank up
    * Left: Edited the Ranks Requirements
    * Rick: Fixed a bug with the races record (reported by Jobu)
    * Rick: Fixed a bug with the event timer
    * Rick: Rewrote the Fallout Event to integrate it to the Last Man Standing Event System so we can have different Fallout maps
    * Rick: Updated the /setlmsmode level5+ admin command to allow an admin to build a fallout map
    * Rick: Updated /kab level 3+ admin command to make it more organized
    * Rick: Updated /lastreports (/lar) level3+ admin command to make it more organized
    * Rick: Updated the /top10 command
    * Rick: Updated the Race Records System so a player can't hold more than 1 record for a race
    * Rick: Added the /shotgunall command level 3+ command to give a shotgun to all players
    * Rick: Added the /sawnoffall command level 3+ command to give a sawnoff shotgun to all players
    * Rick: Updated the /ipm command so a player can un-ignore PMs from a player
    * Rick: Updated the /top10 command to list challenge records too
    * Rick: Updated the new race record system so player can't hold 2 records for the same race (all old records will be reseted)
    * Rick: Updated /myp command to list the properties in a dialog
    * Rick: Added the /setderbymode level5+ command to allow an admin to set the derby mode (Derby, Sumo or Bloodring)
    * Rick: Fixed a bug in the Database Event code
    * Rick: Updated the /createhiddenpickup (/chp) level3+ admin command so admins can allow/disable weapons in a hidden pickup
    * Rick: Updated the /hp command so it disarms the player when weapons are disabled in the hidden pickup competition
    * Rick: Updated the /wheels command so wheels are listed in a dialog (added some wheels too)

    PS The Bloodring and Sumo events will not work (and should not be loaded manually by admins) until Rick makes some changes to the database later today.

  • #2
    Nice update! So most of them are admin commands(noticed xD)!


    • #3
      Great update!
      If you are making fun of someone's Physical disability then congratulations You are mentally disabled.


      • #4
        Originally posted by AlexM View Post
        Nice update! So most of them are admin commands(noticed xD)!
        not really they are commands for us to load/edit events for you guys !


        • #5
          Originally posted by Adrenaline View Post
          not really they are commands for us to load/edit events for you guys !
          I was in a bit hurry and i replied like that xD! I cant wait to check the new events. I want to know what group duels is i see it first time in server. Is it like clan(group) duels or just like a Co-Op mode?


          • #6
            Very exciting. I am looking forward to trying all the new features. Good work Rick.

            Also thank you Left, I think a change of requirements was necessary also,
            and thank you saxboy, for the new map.
            Last edited by DiscolouredFrog; 12-07-16, 09:46 AM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by AlexM View Post
              I was in a bit hurry and i replied like that xD! I cant wait to check the new events. I want to know what group duels is i see it first time in server. Is it like clan(group) duels or just like a Co-Op mode?
              You will have duels with 2 teams, type /groupduel and then /myduel to know more about it!
              If you are making fun of someone's Physical disability then congratulations You are mentally disabled.


              • #8
                Awesome update I am already loving it
                Sienna Belle :-Love me like you do
                VidyaVox :-The Closer MashUp - ( Kabira ) - Vidya Vox


                • #9
                  This is marvelous, thanks.


                  • #10
                    Good job, I really liked this new update and looking forward for more updates
                    I just stole this signature from aliens, you like it?


                    • #11
                      Chase event? I like it
                      Thanks a lot


                      • #12
                        OMG Holy Shit! Finallly i was waiting from so long time! Thank you rick, saxboy, matite ande everybody! i am loving it <3 hope to have more great updates in future! GamerX Love you!


                        • #13
                          I have played a bit, and it's a great update, but just a few minor suggestions from what I've seen so far:
                          • When I was waiting for a group duel to start, we couldn't start apparently because one of the players weren't spawned. This could become annoying for the other participants, so I suggest adding a dialog asking whether the group duel should start without the player that's not spawned.
                          • When someone joins the group duel, it says they joined the 'First team' or 'Second team', but since the teams are colour coded, maybe it would make more sense to say 'Red team' and 'Blue team'
                          • When one team wins the duel, it might be nice to specify the team colour again, for clarity.
                          • The server messages echo'd to IRC does not seem to be up to date like the server messages in-game. I think it would be nice to update the IRC code to echo all of the newest server messages that have been added lately, such as messages regarding race records being set, and group duels.


                          • #14
                            Oh great.

                            “You’ve got enemies? Good, that means you actually stood up for something.” – Eminem


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Jealous View Post
                              You will have duels with 2 teams, type /groupduel and then /myduel to know more about it!
                              you nailed it, i wasn't expecting this kind of help ._. i was waiting for a big explanation not short explanations! Anyway nvm! -_-


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