Hello everybody .
Today , i was using random /L teleports until i reached /L 166 . I got teleported to a place in Chicken Spawn , and i was able to take grenades from there by walking into a Grenade pickup placed there . New Players could easily reach that point using a car , player objects or using the /L 166 Teleport and to take and use the grenades in red zone without thinking they're doing something wrong as long the Grenade pickup is placed there . So i would suggest to remove that Grenade pickup , or replacing the Grenades with another weapon .
I also got a in-game screenshoot with the Grenade pickup placed in Chicken Spawn just in case you need it .
Today , i was using random /L teleports until i reached /L 166 . I got teleported to a place in Chicken Spawn , and i was able to take grenades from there by walking into a Grenade pickup placed there . New Players could easily reach that point using a car , player objects or using the /L 166 Teleport and to take and use the grenades in red zone without thinking they're doing something wrong as long the Grenade pickup is placed there . So i would suggest to remove that Grenade pickup , or replacing the Grenades with another weapon .
2.5 Do not use rockets,minigun, grenades, molotovs, flame thrower or big planes in the red zones.
