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GamerX Live Properties Map Bugged and need update

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  • GamerX Live Properties Map Bugged and need update

    Click Here To View GamerX Live Properties Map
    Click Here To View GamerX Live Properties Map High Resolution + Zoomed
    1.GamerX Live Properties Map is bugged i think or another problem, because it gives the wrong images of houses like /instant it gives this image: but this is not my current house many many pictures of houses are mixed up and there are wrong pictures on properties the only thing wrong is the pictures i found and other information is correct, and also we can't say this is the old picture means my old house location we can't say this is old location because my house was always this: so we can't say this is old location many pictures are mixed so they need to be update admins needs to replace those pictures with the correct pictures, and i captured the right pictures of right properties i View all properties from 0 to 275 and saw the pictures and then going ingame to make sure it is right picture or it is wrong so many pictures were right and many were wrong, so the wrong one i tooked the right pictures so that admins don't need to waste their time by going each propertie and see it's location is right or wrong and if it is wrong take its picture, so thats why i tooked right pictures of right properties so admins don't need to waste their time.
    These are those properties which pictures are wrong: click on View Info to view it in GX Live Prop map
    Propertie ID Propertie Name Image More Info
    203 stefan's House (Wrong) View Info
    204 pirate's Hotel (Wrong) View Info
    205 Campionull's House (Wrong) View Info
    206 Adrenaline's House (Wrong) View Info
    207 Moonjeu's House (Wrong) View Info
    208 kat's House (Wrong) View Info
    209 lames House (Wrong) View Info
    210 Bella's House (Wrong) View Info
    211 Eclipsor's House (Wrong) View Info
    212 Troublesome's House (Wrong) View Info
    213 Aasif's Garage (Wrong) View Info
    214 Maze's House (Wrong) View Info
    215 karl's Factory (Wrong) View Info
    216 Cj101's House (Wrong) View Info
    217 Joseriul's House (Wrong) View Info
    218 CandyChip's House (Wrong) View Info
    219 Raiden's Offices (Wrong) View Info
    220 Robo N1X's House (Wrong) View Info
    221 BuckS' Mansion (Wrong) View Info
    222 Luffy's House (Wrong) View Info
    223 Instant's Farm (Wrong) View Info
    224 Infamous' Supermarket (Wrong) View Info
    225 Batcold's House (Wrong) View Info
    226 Spraky's House (Wrong) View Info
    227 Shaix's House (Wrong) View Info
    228 Zotty's Restaurant (Wrong) View Info
    230 Kanwar's House (Wrong) View Info
    231 Hunter95's House (Wrong) View Info
    232 Sobe's House (Wrong) View Info
    233 Ruthless' Car Park (Wrong) View Info
    234 Xecutioner's Office (Wrong) View Info
    236 Cashewz' Workshop (Wrong) View Info
    237 Bibolilo's House (Wrong) View Info
    238 Roddja's House (Wrong) View Info
    239 Elena's House (Wrong) View Info
    240 Nitram's Apartments (Wrong) View Info
    241 PizzguY's House (Wrong) View Info
    242 UmairUmd's House (Wrong) View Info
    243 CptTall's House (Wrong) View Info
    244 Web's Farm (Wrong) View Info
    245 Zarky's Motel (Wrong) View Info
    I put their propertie id and propertie names so that anyone want to view the GamerX Live Properties Map and search these properties^^^ by name they can search easily because searching with id is little bit hard, and i added the link which shows the information of a propertie if don't want to search, directly view by clicking view info.
    Note: The right pictures of these properties ^^^ are in the folder named Right Pictures and they are sorted by their propertie id means if any pic name is 1 means it is the picture of propertie 1 like this so no one can be confuse which picture belongs to which propertie.

    2.Also in GamerX Live Properties Map there are 2 properties who got their information like owner,earnings,xyz+interior id and other info all are ok but the thing in those 2 properties is that there are no pictures available so i tooked those 2 properties pictures so admins don't need to waste their important time in taking pictures these are the properties those are missing:
    Propertie ID Propertie Name Image More Info
    246 ChargeR's Parking Lot (No Image) View Info
    247 Manuel's House (No Image) View Info
    Note: The Missing Pictures of these properties^^^ are in the folder named Missing Picures and they are sorted bye their propertie id means if any pic name is 1 means it is the picture of propertie 1 like this so no one can be confuse which picture belongs to which propertie.

    Download Right Pictures and Missing Pictures

    3.And also GamerX Live Properties Map is not updated so it needs to be update and admins need to put the information of new properties, because when we click at propertie id More than 247 it gives this message as you saw it gives this message propertie number must be between 0 to 247 but as you see in the above picture it says the error and above that error we can see there are total 275 (actually there are total 274 properties) so this is necessary that admins fix this (properties are 0 to 274) and it gives error of propertie more than 247 so this should be also need to be fix because if someone wants to view information of propertie id more than 247 like 248,249,250....274 (there are 0 to 274 total) so they can't view it so admins should update it and add all properties information and make the range starting from 0 to 274 (Because there are total 274 properties, and if you search propertie id 275 in GamerX Live Properties Map there is only 1 result found and that is this the one which you see in above picture and no propertie found with id 275) see 274 total (now it is from 0 to 247), and after admins put the information of missing properties from 248,249,250.....upto 274 they need to put pictures too so again i tooked the pictures already of propertie id 248,249,250.......upto 274 all missing properties picture so admins don't need to waste their time to take pictures they just need to upload these pictures, and the total properties it says are 275 it must be 274.

    Note: The pictures from 274 are in a folder named Others and they are sorted by their propertie id means if any pic name is 1 means it is the picture of propertie id 1 like this so no one can be confuse which picture belongs to which propertie.
    Thanks to Robo_N1X to Teleport me at propertie id 250 and tooked picture of that because it was in an interior and i didn't found any way to go there and take pic.

    if admins want to take pic by them selves then its ok too i tooked pic so they can just quickly upload without taking pics.

  • #2
    Duh you made it so complicated.

    Well i've noticed this before since the return of these pages, i tried to take pictures of all properties (about 200 images already) but since there are still more property to get added or replaced, i stopped to take more. I even took it better resolution and quality with camhack (no rocket aim) even resized and made the thumbnail. But seems i lost it now (probably i moved it somewhere, i don't know) so thanks to your pictures.

    What you need to know is, the "Live Properties" status/map is not working with the system in the gamemode. It just read the database or making a copy and then displays it on the website. The website can't take pictures from the game (doh!) ofcourse it has to be done manually by uploading the images, you can see the text "Thanks to Ryder for the images".

    About the lists, these are not dynamic properties, they need to be updated manually (again), it's not automatically updated, except the property name, value, earnings, owner, unbuyable time, and the positions. So if an admin created a new property, IT WONT APPEAR in the list right after it, it need to be updated manually.

    About 275 properties, it's right! Yes like you said property starts from 0 to 274! Now count it, and you will find it.
    Property ID: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | ..... | 273 | 274 |
    Properties : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ..... | 274 | 275 |
    Admins can do nothing about that, as it's only Matite that take care of property at the moment, requests and updates and managing that web page. So yeah, you know, it's better to make your "report" simpler as it's going to be worked by only one person that usually busy... Thanks for the images though.
    KVIrc User


    • #3
      Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
      Duh you made it so complicated.
      (no rocket aim)
      Sorry if i made it so complicated
      about the rocket aim in pics i tooked these pics with the rocket aim because i noticed that all properties from 0 to 247 all pics are taken from rocket aim so i thought to take my pics from rocket too because i don't want them to be different from others then it will be like mixed characters in abc.....z like ABCdEfghIjKLmN as it dosen't looks good so thats why i tooked the same way as they were tooked before.

      Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
      About the lists, these are not dynamic properties, they need to be updated manually (again), it's not automatically updated, except the property name, value, earnings, owner, unbuyable time, and the positions. So if an admin created a new property, IT WONT APPEAR in the list right after it, it need to be updated manually.
      About that seriously i was doing the same way taking its id, name,Property Value,Property Earnings but after 5 props i deleted those all thats because i thought when matite makes a propertie ingame its whole information is saved in gamerx server files like its id, name,Property Value,Property Earnings xyz and interior id so i thought admins just need to copy and paste and then upload the new pics but as you told it needs to update manually....(and it makes me think if i give that info maybe it will won't help maybe if only admins give info that will be ok)

      Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
      About the lists, these are not dynamic properties, they need to be updated manually (again), it's not automatically updated, except the property name, value, earnings, owner, unbuyable time, and the positions. So if an admin created a new property, IT WONT APPEAR in the list right after it, it need to be updated manually.
      agree on the ids i counted id 1 as first prop but first prop is 0 so you're right and about this which is in bold^^^ as you said it is not automacilly EXCEPT so correct me if i am wrong once its name, value, earnings, owner, unbuyable time, and position is uploaded manually means it will work automatically after it is uploaded manually means owner will change auto unbuyable time will change auto and if property himself is even removed from the first position and is at its second position so the position will auto change (after it is manually uploaded) if yes that means need to upload info manually by going each propertie and viewing their info....

      ok forgot about adding new props for now, but what about the Propertie pictures? they can be replaced because info is ok only pics are not ok

      Let me clear my post if it is confusing

      1. wrong images need to upload images only why because:
      Originally posted by Instant View Post
      the only thing wrong is the pictures i found and other information is correct,
      so no need to do anything about the information as you said robo all information which is automatic changing they don't need to be change means only need to change pics (because it is not automatically changed) so no more changing just replacing pics other info is uptodate (i think less work for matite only pics).

      2. no images available as robo said above^^^ all props are autoupdated so no need to change info just need to upload pics of 2 props those don't got their pics (i think less work for matite only pics).

      3. as robo told all these are auto update so the propertie itself its location is changed too but pics are same so first need to update props info manually then it will work as automatically? (Please tell me if i am getting this wrong) if i am right then just 1 simple question if a lvl 2 player gives this information prop id, names, value, earnings, (unbuyable time admins know but if he gives unbuyable time too what ever it is at that time and it will be auto update? because time will decrease) and gives x,y,z and interior yes or no +id then can admins add his information in gamerx live prop map? or it has to be done by (admins only)? i was thinking to give the information of the new props starting from 248 to 274 (total 27 only other are correct) and matite can just copy and paste it (less long process)
      (well if admins only then i can't do anything but the right pics can be replaced because info is correct and the missing pics can be upload too)


      • #4
        No, my point was the image is enough, that will help him, the rest are not needed. I already mentioned it in my previous post and thanking for the images.
        You don't need to make list or anything else. As i already did before, i only took 200 pictures with cam hack so i can give it to matite to update it, but unfortunately i lost them. And so this is not really a "bug", you can just simply mention that the property list on website needs update.

        Admins can just help like what you did by taking the pictures, the rest are the developers work.

        If i was you, i would just start topic with this only:
        The properties Live status and map pages on the website are using older information, it needs to be updated as it shows wrong picture and the properties from number 247 and up is missing.

        Here are the new images for the current properties information:
        <link of image>
        Last edited by Robo; 18-05-15, 06:12 AM.
        KVIrc User


        • #5
          All of the information (x, y, z, etc) is all correct for all properties as the webpage reads directly from the file that the gamemode uses.

          I edited the property info page to allow it to display the information for property number 247 and up.
's House&propertyid=276

          The pictures all need to be 800x600 to match the existing size and also to reduce the amount of bandwidth they use (they need to be in png format).

          We also need the thumbnail pictures too (264x198 in png format).


          • #6
            Originally posted by Matite View Post
            The pictures all need to be 800x600 to match the existing size and also to reduce the amount of bandwidth they use (they need to be in png format).
            Originally posted by Matite View Post
            We also need the thumbnail pictures too (264x198 in png format).
            if we view it in details we will find that the image those are already in GamerX Live Propertie map we will find their size and their file (.png) are same as the one which i captured same .png and the size are both same the only thing is changed is their thumbnail image size which you show in your post Matite, and also if we view it in detail the exact size of the images those are already uploaded in gx live prop map their actual size is (466x349) and not only this when i converted my pics into (800x600) they both are same not even 1 mm different so resizing the images into 800x600 its already done and about the .png file already done too and about the thumbnails i am on it just need a little bit time because i am afraid of power maybe it can take some hours but i will post here the thumbnails size (264x198). view:

            EDIT: Sorry for that misunderstanding but ok np i resized all pics to the one which admin matite gave but while i was uploading then power was cut for 1 hour and uploading stopped so after 1 hour i will upload pics and give link.
            Last edited by Instant; 20-05-15, 06:04 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Instant View Post
              if we view it in details we will find that the image those are already in GamerX Live Propertie map we will find their size and their file (.png) are same as the one which i captured same .png and the size are both same the only thing is changed is their thumbnail image size which you show in your post Matite, and also if we view it in detail the exact size of the images those are already uploaded in gx live prop map their actual size is (466x349) and not only this when i converted my pics into (800x600) they both are same not even 1 mm different so resizing the images into 800x600 its already done and about the .png file already done too and about the thumbnails i am on it just need a little bit time because i am afraid of power maybe it can take some hours but i will post here the thumbnails size (264x198). view:
              The size got rescaled because your browser interface for inspect element box using the right space. If you use Mozilla, you can right click and select "View image information" then it will show like this:


              This is what you will get if your chrome interface doesn't interfere the image:

              (The tab text even displays it's 800x600 duh)

              There shouldn't be any problem with 800x600 resize with 264x198 as they have same ratio on image width and height which is 33%. You can't have the same scale from size 800x600 to 466x349.

              Just some tip: you can set your ingame resolution to 800x600x32 to take the screenshot, so you can just simply make the tumbnail images with scale 33% from original screen.

              Just for your information though
              Last edited by Robo; 20-05-15, 05:29 PM.
              KVIrc User


              • #8
                sry for that i thought google chrome is giving me the correct size of that image anyways... here are all pics i resized all of them in (800x600) and (264x198) as Matite said also in .png
                Download pics in 800x600 in .png
                Download pics in 264x198 in .png
                Note:In my first post you will see a table the long one table contains wrong images of props so their Right images can be found in the folder name "Right Pictures" and there is a second small table which contains missing pics of 2 props and their id is in that table so for those pics they can be found in folder named "Missing pictures" and the other prop pics from id 247 to 274 they can be found in folder named "Other pictures" all pictures are named as their prop id like if a pic named as 10 means its the pic of prop id 10.

                Edit : will give 275 and others tomorrow forgot to take pics and now power cut again every 15mins power cut thats why late reply all time fail in uploading pics.

                Edit2: yes i will give the other missing pictures too just need little bit time cuz 2hours no electricity and after that my tution time but after that um free i will give other pics when ill be back from tution.
                Last edited by Instant; 21-05-15, 10:40 AM.


                • #9
                  Nice work!

                  I uploaded all of your property images and updated the pages to give you credit.

                  Not sure if you know about this page:
                  ... but you can use it to see all of the property pictures at once.

                  You can see that property number 250, 275 and 276 have no pictures. If you could get those pictures as well then we would be 100% done.

                  Thanks again for your hard work. Everyone appreciates it!


                  • #10
                    Download Other Missing Pics
                    These Properties got no images: ID:250, ID:275, ID:276
                    and about ID:277 & ID:278 They does Not Exist.
                    and Thanks for that Link Matite.

                    EDITFound prop id 235 Kenneth's Apartments in my Recycle Bin and it was in recycle bin because i tooked that pic while textbox and death list was on didn't turn it off and i remember i deleted it because of txt box and deadlist i was about to take another pic but then power cut and then i forgot about prop id 235 to take pic and then it got ignored but today i found prop id 235 pic in my recycle bin so when i view the pic of prop id 235 i saw it was wrong so i tooked pic and resized it

                    Last edited by Instant; 22-05-15, 05:31 AM.


                    • #11
                      Good work... I added the last of the missing property pictures.


                      Thanks again.


                      • #12
                        Thread closed.


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