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GamerX v4.5.2

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  • GamerX v4.5.2

    Please, report the bugs related to this new version here.

  • #2

    We cannot use /dapo since I was in a challenge, message should be edited.

    Would have reported it here but since there is a whole section just for the update bugs why not post it here.
    Last edited by Eliteus; 12-07-16, 02:45 PM.
    Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


    • #3
      When the chase event starts, all players colours are set to blue (apart from the crook), but once players join a chase which has already started it doesn't seem to set their colour again, from what I could see.

      Also, I was in a chase event which used bikes, and when I crashed and fell off the bike, i was forced out of the chase for not being in/on a vehicle. Might be nice to have the /afob on for the chase event? (This is how I found out the colour bug, since when I rejoined the event, it didn't set my colour).


      • #4
        I found a bug about group dueling

        do 2 v 1 and then start the duel and when its counting do /k, the players get freezed.

        You need to be the duel leader.

        I tested it with maxsafy and Evilboss
        Last edited by [MM]Snickers; 12-07-16, 03:40 PM. Reason: More information
        I just stole this signature from aliens, you like it?


        • #5
          Some maps from /challenge dont load , Like "Infernus Madness" i typed /tso to see if it will fix, but didnot worked

          When we leave a /challenge, we are respawned without the Extra weapon "/sc" we need to respawn again to gain the extra weapon typing /k

          I notice that we can load a /lhos before join in a /chase , and the /lhos still loaded , idk if its a problem, but i'm reporting anyway

          After the /chase be ended, The Crook target still on minimap , like in Pgoo system


          • #6
            When you hit someone with the car, the autofix disable like you were drive-bying


            • #7
              in Target Destruction, event sometime even no team is attacking on your target that horriable siren sound start, and after some minutes you will not even hear weapons sounds till you respawn.. and that sound/alaram thing is horriable!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Northwest View Post
                When you hit someone with the car, the autofix disable like you were drive-bying
                That was the reason i entered this topic xD

                ONTOPIC: all the guns are silenced (no gun sound) when a Target Destruction event is loaded, and when i'm playing the event, This error happens but not all the time. I've checked if i'm the only one who doesn't hear sounds but some other players have the same bug.
                Stay low, Go fast.
                Kill first, Die last.
                One shot, One kill
                No luck, Pure skill.


                • #9

                  I'm not an admin

                  Chase timelimit is still appears doesn't disappear when the chase ends
                  Stay low, Go fast.
                  Kill first, Die last.
                  One shot, One kill
                  No luck, Pure skill.


                  • #10
                    Cannot see.....

                    Frequently Alerting without a reason...

                    Cant see again...This bugs appears at Medic Hospital and at San Fierio Airport
                    Last edited by RedHeadedLoris109; 13-07-16, 12:31 PM.


                    • #11

                      Although I was in vehicle, I was removed from chase.....


                      • #12
                        All bugs mentionned in this topic have been fixed. Thanks a lot for your reports


                        • #13
                          weee that sounds amazing, rick you are so fast and best scripter! thanks!
                          very hardworking guy! i am very happy to be in a community where you are a Developer


                          • #14
                            Bug in Group Duel, Well if you are dueling and someone die first he can stand for 2 or 3 sec so if he's ennemy is with low hp he can be killed by the player who died first while it been writen on his skin dead or something else or in killlist test it pls
                            -Tunisia <3


                            • #15
                              Challenge System Bug

                              When we join any /challenge and type any command, it says "Type /kill to exit blah blah from this activity". But when we type /k or /kill, we again respawn in that same challenge instead of leaving. To leave we have to type /leave instead of /kill or /k.

                              How to ReCreate:

                              Firstly, join any challenge loaded using /challenge, then type any non-sense command until it tells you this

                              Then do what it says to leave by typing /kill or /k, when you do this you simply die and respawn back again in the challenge instead of leaving it.

                              and that's it


                              “You’ve got enemies? Good, that means you actually stood up for something.” – Eminem


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