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The Command /Car

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  • The Command /Car

    Dear Admin Team

    can we set any vehicle for the cmd /car? as default !!

    Note: only some vehicles... not the huge truck or dump truck should be in the list as it can create chaos at spawn points by rule breakers or new players.

    Suggested list can be:
    Small cars
    fast cars
    ice cream/ donuts vans.. Etc.

    kindly ignore this Suggestion if already suggested by someone earlier


  • #2
    I always wanted the ability to change the vehicle that /car spawns.
    You are the sauce for my chicken

    April Fools:


    • #3
      Love this suggestion
      Ps: you may be overconfidence with the suggestion you posted bikes tooo /car=bikes no sense noo.
      [18:07:09] <.Crus> (19) report 39 aimbot plz admins ee
      [18:07:20] <Jasmeet> (38) lol hes admin hes cashewz hes pro


      • #4
        Originally posted by LoG View Post
        Love this suggestion
        Ps: you may be overconfidence with the suggestion you posted bikes tooo /car=bikes no sense noo.
        i didn't mentioned any particular cmd !!!!

        so here either admin decide or it can be

        /SetDefaultVehicle or /SDV [Vehicle Name]

        and thanks to all those who support this!


        • #5
          All Cars and bikes spawn by the cmd /car and /bike , u have liste of models


          • #6
            This was already suggested and still pending a long time ago if i'm not wrong, i'm not sure which was the thread (since there are so many search results) but here however similar ones:


            It was probably in non public forum so i will not post the link.
            KVIrc User


            • #7
              Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
              This was already suggested and still pending a long time ago if i'm not wrong, i'm not sure which was the thread (since there are so many search results) but here however similar ones:


              It was probably in non public forum so i will not post the link.
              Originally posted by Bazid View Post
              Save a vehicle to your vehicle list and load your vehicle from vehicle list:
              save your vehicle/car with your paint and component and load it as how you saved your vehicle.

              /savevehicletovehiclelist , /savevehicletolist (/svtvl , /svtl) to save a vehicle to vehicle list and /loadvehiclefromvehiclelist , /loadvehiclefromlist (/lvfvl , /lvfl) to load your vehicle from your vehicle list

              /savevehicletovehiclelist 1 or 2 to save/add/replace your vehicle to list 1 or 2 and load it as you saved
              shows a dialog list if you typed without number as "/savevehicletovehiclelist" or "/loadvehiclefromvehiclelist"
              Originally posted by PlayBoy$$ View Post
              Many players, have they favorite vheilce. But there some vheilce, are long word like /v buffalo /v turismo /v sulta etc.
              Soo... why don't we add an /myfv command to set favorite vheilce, it's great cmnd /myfv = my favorite vheilce.
              /Setmyfv <carname> and /myfv it's great shortcut.
              thanks for this
              lot of cmds i can see with bazids idea. and also PlayBoy Too

              i would like to tell admin team only 1 command and that is /SDV [Vehicle Name] (to /SetDefaultVehicle only)

              anyways if it is possible with only one cmd then kindly do it. we dont need many cmds.. make it simple

              admins can now end this topic with a positive reply if needed! or wait for others can reply!! what they feel!

              thanks & Regards


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