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Auto load event Suggestion

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  • Auto load event Suggestion

    Hi everyone, sometimes an event is automatically loaded, like hunger games, blast survival, team deathmatch and others, but some events that are funny aren't automatically loaded, like Fallout, Sumo Event, Last Squad Standing, it would be nice if these events could be automatically loaded

  • #2
    They are there, except last squad standing and the other newest event type (TD, etc). Sumo/Derby had updated and the rotation has not yet, which makes it bugged, so it was temporary removed. However It's just also most of time players want event like ShipCTF/GRC to be loaded. Unfortunately I haven't time to update the current event rotation yet. Because there are hundred of event maps to see, and also there also not much good map yet for some event type (especially LSS which is just around 10 maps), so it's kinda complicated for me to select them.
    KVIrc User


    • #3
      Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
      They are there, except last squad standing and the other newest event type (TD, etc). Sumo/Derby had updated and the rotation has not yet, which makes it bugged, so it was temporary removed. However It's just also most of time players want event like ShipCTF/GRC to be loaded. Unfortunately I haven't time to update the current event rotation yet. Because there are hundred of event maps to see, and also there also not much good map yet for some event type (especially LSS which is just around 10 maps), so it's kinda complicated for me to select them.
      What would happen if we made a vote to choose the maps that could enter the automatic mode?

      We could suggest in the following format:

      Name of Map:
      Type of event:
      Name to load the map : (/LPOS)
      And then we could use the "like" button to vote, so those who get the most likes could be entered in the automatic mode.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Gengar View Post

        What would happen if we made a vote to choose the maps that could enter the automatic mode?

        We could suggest in the following format:

        Name of Map:
        Type of event:
        Name to load the map : (/LPOS)
        And then we could use the "like" button to vote, so those who get the most likes could be entered in the automatic mode.
        Are you asking for an IN-GAME voting? or on forums?
        I guess it would be much cooler if we could vote for our next event IN-GAME.

        For Example : /nextevent > then select an event from a list (TDM, DM, Derby, LSS, HG and so on) > then select the map.

        {the event +event map with most votes/likes will start automatically.}

        if this is what you meant, then a +1 from me, if this is not what you meant.. then I guess we should consider my idea, it will be much better as players will be able to play their favourite event !


        • #5
          Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
          They are there, except last squad standing and the other newest event type (TD, etc). Sumo/Derby had updated and the rotation has not yet, which makes it bugged, so it was temporary removed. However It's just also most of time players want event like ShipCTF/GRC to be loaded. Unfortunately I haven't time to update the current event rotation yet. Because there are hundred of event maps to see, and also there also not much good map yet for some event type (especially LSS which is just around 10 maps), so it's kinda complicated for me to select them.
          Originally posted by _Maniac_ View Post

          Are you asking for an IN-GAME voting? or on forums?
          I guess it would be much cooler if we could vote for our next event IN-GAME.

          For Example : /nextevent > then select an event from a list (TDM, DM, Derby, LSS, HG and so on) > then select the map.

          {the event +event map with most votes/likes will start automatically.}

          if this is what you meant, then a +1 from me, if this is not what you meant.. then I guess we should consider my idea, it will be much better as players will be able to play their favourite event !
          and Mani see my is more Easter then urs.

          Robo is right and u have a +1 and one more suggestion that was in my mind and my suggestion is why only admins can load any event only. there should a vote system like ex

          /requestCTF(short form to use /RECTF) chose which map and if ex player payrle used /requestCTF and chossed ship CTF and flags needed and at that time if atleast 5 players used /voteCTF the event will automatically start by GamerX system.

          /requestLMS(short form to use /RELMS) ex Churre used /requestLMS and chossed map SagarX's private lab and again 5 or more player voted(by /voteLMS) for lms event will automatically start by GamerX system

          /requestTDM(Vote with /voteTDM) short form to use /RETDM

          /requestDM(Vote with /voteDM)short firm to use /REDM

          /requestFDM(FUNY-DM Vote with /voteFDM)short form to use /REFDM

          /requestLSS(Vote with /voteLSS)short form to use /RELSS

          /​​​​requestSUMO(Vote with /voteSUMO)short form to use /RES

          ​/requestDERBY(Vote with /voteDERBY)short form to use /RED

          /RequestGUNGAME(Vote with /voteGG)short form to use /REGG

          So this was my suggestion.
          Last edited by VishyFish; 10-05-17, 06:29 PM. Reason: .....


          • #6
            I liked _Maniac_ suggestion and i would like to make my suggestion based on it.
            I saw on a Freeroam server the /eventvote command to vote for the next event (there are only one default map for each event), and the event type which got the most votes is loaded.

            Here, in GamerX, a command like /eventvote, /nextevent or whatever shows a list of all the event types (CTF, LMS, TDM, etc...).

            When choosing an event type you will be given all the maps of this event type and you choose a map and when the event is going to load, the event type with most votes is loaded, and the event map with most votes is loaded too, but if there are like 2 votes of more than one map, a map of the maps which got same number of vote is choosen randomly.

            Also, if the last event loaded was ShipCTF, the player can't choose the same event map again for the next 2 events, and the event type can be choosen maximum of 2 times.

            For example, CTF got most votes and ShipCTF got most votes too, so it is loaded, the next event could be CTF, but can't be ShipCTF again for the next 2 events. The next event can't be CTF again, a different event type must be choosen then we can re-choose the CTF.
            If 2 or more event types/maps got the same votes then one of them is choosen randomly by the system.
            "I'm still playing the game, having a great time."

            Jason Giambi


            • #7
              Originally posted by Dodo View Post
              I liked _Maniac_ suggestion and i would like to make my suggestion based on it.
              I saw on a Freeroam server the /eventvote command to vote for the next event (there are only one default map for each event), and the event type which got the most votes is loaded.

              Here, in GamerX, a command like /eventvote, /nextevent or whatever shows a list of all the event types (CTF, LMS, TDM, etc...).

              When choosing an event type you will be given all the maps of this event type and you choose a map and when the event is going to load, the event type with most votes is loaded, and the event map with most votes is loaded too, but if there are like 2 votes of more than one map, a map of the maps which got same number of vote is choosen randomly.

              Also, if the last event loaded was ShipCTF, the player can't choose the same event map again for the next 2 events, and the event type can be choosen maximum of 2 times.

              For example, CTF got most votes and ShipCTF got most votes too, so it is loaded, the next event could be CTF, but can't be ShipCTF again for the next 2 events. The next event can't be CTF again, a different event type must be choosen then we can re-choose the CTF.
              If 2 or more event types/maps got the same votes then one of them is choosen randomly by the system.
              First of all CTF is the most played event in GX i think , so , people will just spam the CTF event
              Second there are HUNDREDS of maps for some events like CTF , a list with those maps is kinda hard to make & collect
              Man seeks peace, yet at the same time yearning for war... Those are the two realms belonging solely to man. Thinking of peace whilst spilling blood is something that only humans could do. They're two sides of the same coin... to protect something... another must be sacrificed. *Madara Uchiha*


              • #8
                Originally posted by _Maniac_ View Post

                Are you asking for an IN-GAME voting? or on forums?
                I guess it would be much cooler if we could vote for our next event IN-GAME.

                For Example : /nextevent > then select an event from a list (TDM, DM, Derby, LSS, HG and so on) > then select the map.

                {the event +event map with most votes/likes will start automatically.}

                if this is what you meant, then a +1 from me, if this is not what you meant.. then I guess we should consider my idea, it will be much better as players will be able to play their favourite event !
                ingame shouldnot be nescesarry, cuz only admins gonna be able to manage the votation, seens unescesarry cuz they can load it manually
                In my post, i'm suggesting if possible, to a player (u,me,all players) post in a section they event map (but the event have to be created by an admins
                So with a lil votation would be possible to add few event maps

                Example: PlayerX created the map "ILoveThisMap" and 70/100 of the players apreciated the map and started to beg to admins load and load everytime but the map is not included in the auto-rotation system

                So the creator would suggest to his map be add in the autorotaion cuz everybody apreciated his map
                And everybody should be allowed to vote if his map is good enough to be included in the auto-rotation (Using the "like" feature in the fórum)
                and if he receive a good ammount of likes and positive comments, the admins/managements can decid if add or no.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Gengar View Post

                  ingame shouldnot be nescesarry, cuz only admins gonna be able to manage the votation, seens unescesarry cuz they can load it manually
                  In my post, i'm suggesting if possible, to a player (u,me,all players) post in a section they event map (but the event have to be created by an admins
                  So with a lil votation would be possible to add few event maps

                  Example: PlayerX created the map "ILoveThisMap" and 70/100 of the players apreciated the map and started to beg to admins load and load everytime but the map is not included in the auto-rotation system

                  So the creator would suggest to his map be add in the autorotaion cuz everybody apreciated his map
                  And everybody should be allowed to vote if his map is good enough to be included in the auto-rotation (Using the "like" feature in the fórum)
                  and if he receive a good ammount of likes and positive comments, the admins/managements can decid if add or no.
                  Aight I see, looks good.
                  lets see what admins have to say about this.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by _Maniac_ View Post

                    Aight I see, looks good.
                    lets see what admins have to say about this.


                    • #11
                      In-game event vote was already suggested before:

                      About forums, i've done similar thing years ago by doing "Event Map Choice Awards" event, nominating popular known maps, and let the player votes it in forum. However it did not really help much as lack of player interests in voting it. I've once suggested to rick to make event join counter which then i can see statistics of popular map, however it's not added (yet). There are hundred of event maps and i would have to present them in forum each of it which would be hard to do it myself... Something like the Steam Workshop voting and discussion, this forum has nothing like that though. And probably it's not possible to achieve if i ask every map creator to present in forum about their existing created map which even has been existed for years. Letting player type the event name by themself wouldn't be balanced or fair, since they are not introduced yet all other maps, mostly they'll just mention about their own map, or popular map like GRC, ShipCTF.
                      Last edited by Robo; 11-05-17, 07:38 AM.
                      KVIrc User


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