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Duel idea

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  • Duel idea

    Hello , I was thinking about a good idea for duel's so there is too many players ask for cookies or cakes , so i was think we have to make if someone won a duel get a cookie like : [ Levin (ID:ID) won thier duel (/duel) against PlayerName (ID:ID) And Won A Cookie! ] So cookies or anything if the player lucky get a cake or cookie or money 10000 or biscuit etc.
    i hope you like This idea

  • #2
    This could easily be abused to gain cookies. Two friends could simply kill each other to gain cookies quickly.
    So -1 for this idea

    But this idea could be changed a bit.
    Maybe there could be a prize for winning several duels in a row, like a duels won streak.

    E.g. One cookie for 3 duels won
    Two cookies for 5 duels won
    Five cookies for 7 duels won


    • #3
      maybe duel for cookies, for example both players agree to duel on 50 cookies, whoever wins gets 50 cookies, and whoever loses gets 50 cookies taken away by a bot.

      Originally posted by Nate View Post
      This could easily be abused to gain cookies. Two friends could simply kill each other to gain cookies quickly.
      So -1 for this idea

      But this idea could be changed a bit.
      Maybe there could be a prize for winning several duels in a row, like a duels won streak.

      E.g. One cookie for 3 duels won
      Two cookies for 5 duels won
      Five cookies for 7 duels won
      wouldn't that get abused too?
      I used to be the only lvl1 player with speed boost 3 on the server. then robo came...


      • #4
        -1 for the suggestion, instead we can add a bet system, like /duel id bet would make an extra bet option appear, if u duel id bet you get to choose arena, then weapons, then bet [bet can be chosen to be payed by cash, cookies, cakes, biscuits or icecreams] and then you type the value
        The one who wins, wins the amount that was bet on and the one who loses, loses the amount that was bet on


        • #5
          Well, I like your suggestion I'd say +1 if it wasn't to the abuse the might happen.

          From what I know, duels are to make us know who is the best DMer in GamerX, thats why we have Wins/Loses.

          Depending upon that, you will get reputation.

          The best way to get cookies in my opinion is reporting cheaters.


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