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New Minigame

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  • New Minigame

    I was thinking of a suggestion. A new Minigame named as ODM (Onehit DM).

    How to goto minigame:-
    /odm, /onehitdm

    Silent Pistol Only...

    Main Information:-
    When any player type /odm will goto a specific place, where his health will automatically set to 10%. When a player shoot him only 1 time, he wil die because his health is only 10%. The player who kill 2 players will gain 10% more health and his health will increase to 20%.

    Let me explain, There is Me, CashewZ is in this minigame. Our both healths are 10%. He shoot me only one time and i die when i respawn he kill me again Now his health is increased by 10% and set to 20%

    Last edited by Umair_Umd; 23-07-14, 12:46 PM. Reason: change rule

  • #2
    Hmm i like that +1


    • #3
      +1 yes
      edgy scout main


      • #4
        this is just lms with low health, what you should have suggested is custom health and armor values in event. yes i understand you mean it as a minigame, but whatever.
        I used to be the only lvl1 player with speed boost 3 on the server. then robo came...


        • #5
          its not just LMS,you dont gain Hp on kill in LMS events.
          I like this idea. +1


          • #6
            Originally posted by discplex View Post
            its not just LMS,you dont gain Hp on kill in LMS events.
            I like this idea. +1
            in that case there will be massive unbalance, one guy with full hp will be just owning everyone.
            I used to be the only lvl1 player with speed boost 3 on the server. then robo came...


            • #7
              so ill change it to when a player kill 2 players then he will gain 10% health


              • #8
                I really like this suggestion.It would be cool if we have this minigame so i give +1
                "Every great and deep difficulty bears in itself its own solution. It forces us to change our thinking in order to find it."


                • #9
                  Originally posted by [UMD] View Post
                  so ill change it to when a player kill 2 players then he will gain 10% health
                  no, you cant just fix it that way, there will still be someone who will own everyone. Just get rid of those 10%
                  I used to be the only lvl1 player with speed boost 3 on the server. then robo came...


                  • #10
                    Well to be honnest I don't really like this minigame. It would be very easy to integrate it in the Death Match System, but I don't think it will be played a lot. We already have a lot of Death Match Events and some new events are coming soon

                    Maybe in the future we will add your suggestion, but for now I would prefer to spend my time on some other features

                    Thanks for your suggestion, enjoy your stay on GamerX


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