My Suggestion is to add automatically announcement in Auto rotating event system, the event load silently and we dont get any announcement except the main chat we can see there but if we are not paying attention to the chat box we can miss the event, yesterday i played 2 hours but when i was quiting gamerx i realise that in these 2 hours i didnt gone in any event but when i typed /pe i saw event going on so i missed all the event that were going in those 2 hours and this is not my 1st time this happenes to me manny times i play dm,race,/mg3 and that time when i play these <<< i dont see at chat box and every time i miss event and not only to me many players miss the event and when i see /pe only 4-5 players in it becuz no one realise that event is launched so can you add the automatically announce system in Auto rotating event system it can work like this:
there will be 2 announcement for "/EVENT" 1 will be at the start and 2nd at the half of the time means = If 1 minute takes to launch event 1st at 60/59 sec and 2nd at 30 sec so that if someone didnt saw 1st he can see 2nd like this we cant miss events
there will be 2 announcement for "/EVENT" 1 will be at the start and 2nd at the half of the time means = If 1 minute takes to launch event 1st at 60/59 sec and 2nd at 30 sec so that if someone didnt saw 1st he can see 2nd like this we cant miss events
