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  • Objects

    While creating a map for events I've had problems with /npo, /dpo and /gpo aswell, so I thought of an idea..

    Why not add a /dnpo command which will delete the nearest player object.

    And a /gnpo command which will teleport you to the nearest player object to go to your created when you die or saved objects when you load them.

  • #2
    Yes this is really needed, it makes building POBs easier and its a pain in the ass with npo that it detects wrong object sometimes.


    • #3
      You have /udpo dont forget that.

      that way you can always get ur objects if u mistakenly stood in the wrong place


      • #4
        /dnpo command would work the same way as /npo. This is a problem especially with big objects as they have one "point" where it got detected by /npo. So if you see an object as it is the closest on your screen, the system will still detect the object which has it's "point" the closest.


        • #5
          Yes, its meant to directly delete the nearest object at once instead of typing 2 commands to preform this


          • #6
            do /so2 hover over object and then /dpo. same thing
            and trust me, it wouldnt be that useful.
            I used to be the only lvl1 player with speed boost 3 on the server. then robo came...


            • #7
              About /dnpo : As rinu said , some players don't know about the /selectobject2 or /so2 command this helps u to see the object you want to and u can also edit it just my a click no need to /epo id etc etc its a really helpful command..
              About /gnpo : its simple dude , /npo and /gpo id thats all its not a "really big" deal to write these two commands

              I don't think these 2 commands are need -1 sorry.


              • #8
                Dude.. /so2 and /dpo are still 2 commands, I only use /so2 to not type /npo and /epo

                /so2 and /dpo are 2 commands

                /npo and /dpo are 2 commands

                /dnpo is a single command, and all u gotta do is go ontop of the object, if /dnpo didnt work in that particular situation, then dont use it.

                In my part, i think /dnpo will save alot of my time in making pobs.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Zarky View Post
                  Dude.. /so2 and /dpo are still 2 commands, I only use /so2 to not type /npo and /epo

                  /so2 and /dpo are 2 commands

                  /npo and /dpo are 2 commands

                  /dnpo is a single command, and all u gotta do is go ontop of the object, if /dnpo didnt work in that particular situation, then dont use it.

                  In my part, i think /dnpo will save alot of my time in making pobs.
                  You don't get what I mean , If you want to delete a picture which is placed right on the a wall or a fence u go near to the object and type /dnpo it would delete the fence not the picture (I have tried this, /npo gives me the ID of the fence not the picture) /dnpo would delete the fence and still you would lose the time to get the picture's id by typing /so2 and /dpo id so its all good , making a /dnpo cuz you are lazy to type the small 2 commands , I don't think this a really "good" reason.. and I voted already


                  • #10
                    It would still help me alot, and that makes me think of something even better.

                    A /dpo and /so2 command should do alot better but would be hard to do.


                    • #11
                      Deleting one nearest object with 2 short commands isn't a pain, it's just you lazy.

                      Also if this command is made, it would just fail many times because you wont get which object you will try to delete.
                      I always use /npo and /dpo to delete it, and if the /npo was failed to pick the object i wanted to delete, i used /so2 and hover to the object and see at the label which show the id then /dpo it.

                      So, actually /so2 + /dpo is still better than this /DNPO (/npo + /dpo)
                      Even if you go to the top of the object you wont always delete the object below you, it will search for any nearest from X, Y, Z offsets. Also not all objects have the same "center point", if you create a weapon object like M4, it's center point is placed in its back so it can rotate so well when made as pickup, so what i mean is the center point of some object is the center area of the solid object. Using /so2 allows you to select object on its object area when the solid side of the object is hovered.

                      Don't tell me that "You have to /udpo again" after fail, this is pointless to have /dnpo as soon you have to type 2 commands in final.

                      So -1 for this.

                      Better suggest a command like delete all player objects in radius.
                      Last edited by Robo; 03-08-14, 03:29 AM.
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