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Event suggestion

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  • Event suggestion

    I have one event suggestion:

    It's a kinda of derby (and sumo too), but in each car there are 2 players (a driver and a passenger), both with an UZI. The driver drives (OH REALLY???) and can make a drive-by, while the passenger can make a drive-by against the cars of another players. The last double standing will be the winner and both will receive the prize (event points, cookies, etc.). I suggested for name something like Fury Road

    Questions and Answers:

    Q: How the double will be chosen?
    A: Randomly.

    Q: What if an odd numbers of players join the event and one guy do not get a double?
    A: That's why we give UZI to the driver, so he can make a drive-by by itself

    Q: What if a player get out of the car?
    A: If the driver get out of car (OR DIE), both the players will lose the event as will not be fair if the passenger drive-by without a driver. If only the passenger get out of car (OR DIE), only the ássenger will be removed, as the driver can still make drive-by and it's not unfair (in this case). This way, will be fine to see the player trying to "save" your driver to win the event.

    Q: Can a player kill another by shooting through the car?
    A: I think yes, but if you don't agree with it, so we can make the players join event with godmode enabled.

    Any other doubt you can ask to me here. Show your opinions about this.
    Last edited by Pacific; 21-11-15, 03:48 AM.

  • #2
    1) What if you don't get along with the person you're partnered with player?
    2) I think the vehicle should be locked from the inside so disabling the enter car keys (like some ingame missions) so that neither can get out
    3) The drive byer could be at a view. The view where we are put in during the mission where CJ, Sweet, BS and Ryder all escape from cops in reuniting the families.
    4) I say yes to the last question

    I like this suggestion however requires some amendments. +1
    Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Northwest View Post
      I have one event suggestion:

      It's a kinda of derby (and sumo too), but in each car there are 2 players (a driver and a passenger), both with an UZI. The driver drives (OH REALLY???) and can make a drive-by, while the passenger can make a drive-by against the cars of another players. The last double standing will be the winner and both will receive the prize (event points, cookies, etc.). I suggested for name something like Fury Road

      Questions and Answers:

      Q: How the double will be chosen?
      A: Randomly.

      Q: What if an odd numbers of players join the event and one guy do not get a double?
      A: That's why we give UZI to the driver, so he can make a drive-by by itself

      Q: What if a player get out of the car?
      A: If the driver get out of car (OR DIE), both the players will lose the event as will not be fair if the passenger drive-by without a driver. If only the passenger get out of car (OR DIE), only the ássenger will be removed, as the driver can still make drive-by and it's not unfair (in this case). This way, will be fine to see the player trying to "save" your driver to win the event.

      Q: Can a player kill another by shooting through the car?
      A: I think yes, but if you don't agree with it, so we can make the players join event with godmode enabled.

      Any other doubt you can ask to me here. Show your opinions about this.
      lool you're reading my mind. i thought about this event but i was inactive to suggest it.

      ONTOPIC: it's the same of my idea. why not? +1
      Stay low, Go fast.
      Kill first, Die last.
      One shot, One kill
      No luck, Pure skill.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Elite View Post
        1) What if you don't get along with the person you're partnered with player?
        2) I think the vehicle should be locked from the inside so disabling the enter car keys (like some ingame missions) so that neither can get out
        3) The drive byer could be at a view. The view where we are put in during the mission where CJ, Sweet, BS and Ryder all escape from cops in reuniting the families.
        4) I say yes to the last question

        I like this suggestion however requires some amendments. +1
        1 - Like sieges and ctfs, players will leave and join event to try to change their teams (in the case, their partner), so i think randomly way would be better

        2 - If it's possible, it will be perfect for the event

        3 - Same of 2...


        • #5
          great idea but i didn't like onething wich is

          Originally posted by Northwest View Post
          Q:What if an odd numbers of players join the event and one guy do not get a double?A: That's why we give UZI to the driver, so he can make a drive-by by itself
          don't u think this one is unfair it may be good for pro players who can drive and shoot at the same time but there are some players who aren't pro enough to do this and they will find it unfair.
          so i was thinking to put the player who don't have partner (double) in something like spec mode untill the driver die then he will take his place


          • #6
            Originally posted by soollaimane View Post
            great idea but i didn't like onething wich is

            don't u think this one is unfair it may be good for pro players who can drive and shoot at the same time but there are some players who aren't pro enough to do this and they will find it unfair.
            so i was thinking to put the player who don't have partner (double) in something like spec mode untill the driver die then he will take his place
            But what about the passenger? He will have two drivers along the event? Like, a second chance?

            Yes, its a little unfair for a player without a passenger, but i dont think there is another way.


            • #7
              Good idea ! I really want a event like this for a very long time ago...

              GIVE ME MY CAMERA, MOM -_-


              • #8
                Good suggestion +1


                • #9
                  I Love This Suggestion +1


                  • #10
                    +1 to suggestions of Sool and Northwest.


                    • #11
                      I got an idea for the odd number of people. Set a player limit to 10 and if more try to join it shows a message saying there are too many players. If 10 don't join then it skips the event.
                      Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


                      • #12
                        I don't agree cause at night in my timezone there arent much players so it's very hard to 10 players join the event, but I and others players could still like to join the event


                        • #13
                          Good Idea Bro +1


                          • #14
                            Well the one person alone drive bying is really unfair.
                            Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


                            • #15
                              But your idea can be thinked in another way: the event start only if the number of players isnt odd. If the number of players in event is odd, the event dont start till there arent players alone.

                              But on real I don't think its a problem, since it happens in sieges and ctf too (team with 5 players against a team with 4)


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