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[NEED HELP] Event Suggestions

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  • [NEED HELP] Event Suggestions

    Hello ladies,

    The last server update was the occasion to introduce you my new dynamic team system with the Last Squad Standing Event. I would like to make a new event which uses this system to bring more variety to our current event system. Indeed I think there are too much events with 2 teams and making new events modes with the dynamic team system should improve the gameplay a lot.

    What I'm asking you today is to be creative to suggest me some new events modes with more than 2 teams. I have some ideas, but I have some doubts about them so I'm sure we can build together some awesome events which will make everyone happy.

    You are free to suggest what you want, and you don't need to know the scripting constraints. I will try to answer to all suggestions to give my point of view, or to ask for more details. Spam your ideas

    Thanks for your help,

    Last edited by Rick; 28-04-16, 11:00 AM.

  • #2
    I got a event suggestion but it have been suggested before. So my idea is to make PTP event (Protect The President) Will be 3 teams and 1 president.
    Police Team: The Police Team protects the President from getting killed by Criminals. Their Spawn Location is at LVPD (Las Venturas). All Emergency Police Vehicles will be there when the player enters it he will automatically get NOS, he can put Wheels, Color and Hydraulics in it. There is two ways to kill/bust all Criminals. First Way is to kill them normally with weapons. Second Way is to throw stringers toward their vehicle to damage their tires, then Police needs to be near them for 3 second and they will get busted. The criminal who will get busted/killed will respawn outside the event (Hard Luck next time loser hehe). If all criminals got killed Police Team will win the event and also the President.
    Criminal Team: They are Crimianls. I mentioned in the Police Team that Police Chase them and kill/bust them. Criminals try to kill the President if they do Criminals Team will win the event. The Spawn Location for this team is at the parking near 4 Dragon Casino's Ammunation (Las Venturas). They will spawn the car/bike they want at the first of the countdown, they will be asked to choose the vehicle they want. (No Helicopters, RCs, Plans or Heavy Vehicles).
    Medic Team: This team's mission is to heal all the players in the event and they will get points for that. The spawn location of this team is at Antonio's Casino /antonio (Las Venturas). They will get weapons but only can shoot the Criminal who attacked them first.
    The President: He will be choosen automatically by the server. The President Spawn Location is anywhere but nearer to Police Team. (President spawn location changes every event). He also choose the vehicle he want by a dialog when the countdown starts. (No Helicopters, RCs, Planes and Heavy Vehicles).
    Teams Color:
    Police Team: Blue
    Criminal Team: Red
    Medic Team: White
    President: Yellow
    Point System: This system is for this event only. For Police Team every bust/kill for a Police earns him a point (He can't kill the President and Medic Team).
    For Criminal Team every kill he do earns him a point.
    For Medic Team every heal he do earns him a point and also killing the criminal who attacked him first.

    Thanks for reading my event suggestion.

    EDIT: I got another event suggestion
    Event Race System: There will be 4 teams (whatever their colors choosen by you Rick). A player will drive they vehicle in each team, when he enters the vehicle it will be locked to avoid newbies from pressing ENTER to get the player out and drive. The other players in the team will choose weapons like in Siege event. They will be asked to choose the weapon combination when the countdown starts, the driver's weapons will get disarmed when he press ENTER to drive the vehicle. The vehicle will be set by the map creator. The other players in the team will press G or JUMP on the vehicle and shoot on the other teams.
    Example for the event: There are 4 teams each team have 5 players.
    In Team 1 Player 1 will drive the vehicle and player2,3,4,5 will press G OR JUMP on the vehicle. They will shoot other team's vehicles while player1 is driving and passing Checkpoints to reach the end. If the other teams shoot at Team1's vehicle and it got destroyed, player1 (the driver) will get automatically another vehicle after 10 seconds and will continue passing checkpoints where his vehicle destroyed at. And when a team pass all the checkpoints till the last one and win all the players in this team will win 1 event point.

    If anyone does not understand any of the events feel free to PM me or ask me in a reply here.

    Last edited by Dodo; 28-04-16, 04:06 PM. Reason: New event suggestion.
    "I'm still playing the game, having a great time."

    Jason Giambi


    • #3
      If you want, I am happy to map for some of these events. A lot of events will be suggested and we are going to need lots of mappers to make these cool events be formulated.
      Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


      • #4
        "Assault Game", one of my idea inspired by other games, There will be many teams (at least 2), each team has one or many objects to protect and to destroy. The team with most objects destroyed will win or they finished off all other enemies.
        The objects are having "health", when player shoot it, the health variable will decrease until 0 it will explode and destroyed.
        Players are given more ammo or weapons after destroying an object or killing another enemy
        However, object can be only damaged fire arms (and not with melee, punch, or explosion) as it's using the OnPlayerShot, although explosion might be possible but it wont be accurate or good.
        I tried to script this but i abandon it, since i think it need to be rewritten from zero.
        KVIrc User


        • #5
          Personally I don't think making a PTP event will bring something new in GamerX as this mode exists on several other servers.

          I love Robo's idea, so let's go with this idea

          P.S. : Robo, you mean this call back :
          forward OnPlayerShootDynamicObject(playerid, weaponid, STREAMER_TAG_OBJECT objectid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);
          Last edited by Rick; 29-04-16, 09:03 AM.


          • #6
            An event called 1SHOT would be cool too. There should be a map with objects and every player who joins has sniper and 10 health. That means that players can kill their opponent with one shot. Also if there were 2 teams would be cool.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Rick View Post
              Personally I don't think making a PTP event will bring something new in GamerX as this mode exists on several other servers.

              I love Robo's idea, so let's go with this idea

              P.S. : Robo, you mean this call back :
              forward OnPlayerShootDynamicObject(playerid, weaponid, STREAMER_TAG_OBJECT objectid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);
              Yes, that one is for Dynamic Object (straemer).
              However, the objects for maps and for objectives should be separated, and therefore when admins are creating it, they will need to "add" the object as objective per team one by one with a method of converting existing object, it will be kinda difficult for them but i guess it will just like creating Hunger Games map.
              And yes like i said it wont work with explosions or such, just the firearm guns (pistols, shotguns, assault rifles, etc).
              I do still have the script that i abandoned, although it only allows 2 team (like attacker vs defender)

              Moreover about the idea source, in GTA:SA single player i remember there used to be missions where you have to destroy the generator machine (object id 934 -> 952 destroyed), but in this case we will just make explosion at the object, however i think admin should able to set the explosion type for each object since many objects are different size, and -1 for no explosion since some objects are not logically to explode. Or just let the admin decide wether to enable explosion on all objects or not, because i think it will be rare to have some objectives explodable while others are not. However, each object should have its own max-health value. And ofcourse, the numbers of objectives per team is limited like 3 as the players will not able to respawn, or else with higher limit.
              Well i think that's the complex part. I think ill get some pictures of the test after i found a way to fix alot errors.

              EDIT: Here is the pic

              Oh yeah! it uses label and textdraw, even with friendly markers for objectives (yellow dot), blue for teammates "assaulter" and red for enemies "defender", also it has music, additionally there was a yellow marker above object but since it will be difficult to find the height to place the yellow marker arrow i removed it.
              Last edited by Robo; 29-04-16, 03:25 PM.
              KVIrc User


              • #8
                " Team A/D" which contains 5 teams, It must be 5 teams, no less, no more, because there will be objects to each team.

                In this Event gamemode, Each team will have their own object, (Ex: Satellite, Tower, Computer...etc) and each team should protect their own object, it will be called "T.C.P." "((TCP" "Team Control Panel)) Not Team Checkpoint." and destroy other teams Control Panel.. it will be named Team Control Panel because if any team lost his Control Panel, this team will be expired from the event,
                Teams must be called by colors, (Team Blue, Team pink, Team red, team lime) from /teamhelp and i'll add a new color, it would be team white.
                and any team of these 5 teams that expired,, it must be announced on the chat.
                (team white was expired from the event in 4th position, as they lost their Control panel)
                (team blue was expired from the event in 3rd position, as there was none left in the team) that if all players used /leave or /q to leave the event/game.
                (Team lime won the Team A/D event in 1st position, and they won 10 cookies
                ) 10 cookies to each player in this team,
                And of course, If any player was killed in the event, he must respawn to the event, just like Team Death Match, DM and CTF. but they won't be able to re-spawn if they lost their Team Control Panel, and Each Object (T.C.P.) must have health displays on it, just like Robo said above, and each gun gives different amount of damage, Ex: Desert Eagle gives 47dmg, or 49 i don't remember very well....
                and TCP Health must be chosen between 1000, 2500 or 5000hp, Like a car health.
                Each gun must be chosen by the Map maker, each TCP must be far from each others.
                4 Guns must be chosen, Thrown weapons, Heavy weapons are not allowed in this event, because they give a big amount of damage, and it will ruin the fun of playing this event..

                Wait wait wait, No no, Don't think that it's the same event that Robo_N1X Posted, Read it very well please

                Thanks for reading, i hope you'll like this event.
                Stay low, Go fast.
                Kill first, Die last.
                One shot, One kill
                No luck, Pure skill.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Next View Post
                  " Team A/D" which contains 5 teams, It must be 5 teams, no less, no more, because there will be objects to each team.

                  In this Event gamemode, Each team will have their own object, (Ex: Satellite, Tower, Computer...etc) and each team should protect their own object, it will be called "T.C.P." "((TCP" "Team Control Panel)) Not Team Checkpoint." and destroy other teams Control Panel.. it will be named Team Control Panel because if any team lost his Control Panel, this team will be expired from the event,
                  Teams must be called by colors, (Team Blue, Team pink, Team red, team lime) from /teamhelp and i'll add a new color, it would be team white.
                  and any team of these 5 teams that expired,, it must be announced on the chat.
                  (team white was expired from the event in 4th position, as they lost their Control panel)
                  (team blue was expired from the event in 3rd position, as there was none left in the team) that if all players used /leave or /q to leave the event/game.
                  (Team lime won the Team A/D event in 1st position, and they won 10 cookies
                  ) 10 cookies to each player in this team,
                  And of course, If any player was killed in the event, he must respawn to the event, just like Team Death Match, DM and CTF. but they won't be able to re-spawn if they lost their Team Control Panel, and Each Object (T.C.P.) must have health displays on it, just like Robo said above, and each gun gives different amount of damage, Ex: Desert Eagle gives 47dmg, or 49 i don't remember very well....
                  and TCP Health must be chosen between 1000, 2500 or 5000hp, Like a car health.
                  Each gun must be chosen by the Map maker, each TCP must be far from each others.
                  4 Guns must be chosen, Thrown weapons, Heavy weapons are not allowed in this event, because they give a big amount of damage, and it will ruin the fun of playing this event..

                  Wait wait wait, No no, Don't think that it's the same event that Robo_N1X Posted, Read it very well please

                  Thanks for reading, i hope you'll like this event.
                  It is the same idea as Robo

                  I started to work on it, and so far it's going very well, I plan to make some public tests soon

                  Thanks again for your amazing suggestions


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