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[SYSTEM]Report Text

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  • [SYSTEM]Report Text

    Today I got a suggestion about a text that appears when an admin is checking a player's report, The text should be "An administrator is checking your report". This will evade all the spam caused in admin's pms and will help them with checking reports.

  • #2
    I am neutral for this idea bcoz admims have to test as they are impatient or patient
    BTW great idea
    I always stand out,
    So people can call me Outstanding..


    • #3
      Originally posted by MaxSafy View Post
      I am neutral for this idea bcoz admims have to test as they are impatient or patient
      BTW great idea
      Again, new players won't care about the patience thing, They will just keep spamming the admins' pms and won't stop spamming the main chat also.
      Thanks for your opinion anyways.


      • #4
        How exactly is this going to work even of it is implemented? Will an admin have to type a command to approve that he is checking the report because in that case I disagree as it is unnecessary extra work for them and they may also forget to type the command. As far as I am aware checking for a cheater is mostly done with commands like /spec, the blowup command, the drop command, the cheat checker command etc. So there is not a command that checks off a report because if that did exist we'd be able to report a player more than once. Either way I am not in favour of this command. Could you explain this a bit more?
        Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Eliteus View Post
          How exactly is this going to work even of it is implemented? Will an admin have to type a command to approve that he is checking the report because in that case I disagree as it is unnecessary extra work for them and they may also forget to type the command. As far as I am aware checking for a cheater is mostly done with commands like /spec, the blowup command, the drop command, the cheat checker command etc. So there is not a command that checks off a report because if that did exist we'd be able to report a player more than once. Either way I am not in favour of this command. Could you explain this a bit more?
          You got it all wrong, There's no commands that will be typed to approve that the admin is checking a report.
          Its just this: When an admin checks a report, A text comes to the reporter in the main chat telling him an admin is checking the report.
          Here's an example: Do you know the help tips that pop up randomly? (like /t for teleports, /report cheaters etc..)? Its something like that, But only when the reporter's report is checked.
          Got it?
          Last edited by Grimvirus; 06-06-16, 01:51 AM.


          • #6
            You don't understand how it works, first of all an admin isn't checking a report at any given time. Tell me how a code can be produced that detects an admin is checking your report and therefore executes a message to the reporter. In a code there needs to be a trigger, meaning a command or some detecting thing that senses an admin is checking a report therefore it sends the message to the reporter. Quite frankly right now what you said won't work because like I said the game cannot randomly detect when an admin is checking a report, in fact you only know the report has been checked once action has been taken. Tell me how the server will send the reporter a message when the server itself doesn't know which report is being checked. Perhaps when an admin uses a command like /spec on the person you reported, it could send the player a message as that actually has a trigger. (The /spec command). To answer your question no I haven't got how it would work, I've had to assume and suggest the trigger thing having not understood your suggestion.

            Also you think there's some sort of command like /checkreport id right? Well there isn't if you did think that. There's a command that checks the last 10 reports or so as far as I can remember but not some command that check lists or ticks off reports individually. To implement your suggestion, that would be needed.

            Originally posted by Grimvirus View Post
            But only when the reporter's report is checked.
            Past tense? So after it is checked? That's not needed as you can see the person you reported either got punished or nothing. If you saw nothing you got to assume stuff happened through PMs or your report was false.

            However I guess you mean when the physical report is being checked it sends a message saying it's being checked which I already gave reasons for why it wouldn't work. Either way I stick to my point and disagree with this since the player needs to be patient and if he's not well he's got to enjoy getting muted often for spamming 'HACKER ID (whatever)'.
            Last edited by Eliteus; 06-06-16, 02:15 AM. Reason: added in more points
            Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Eliteus View Post
              Perhaps when an admin uses a command like /spec on the person you reported, it could send the player a message as that actually has a trigger. (The /spec command).
              That's what I mean, As I saw it possible in other servers.


              • #8
                Okay now that we got that off our chest this is your suggestion as I understand:
                1) PlayerA reports PlayerB = report1
                2) AdminA checks report1
                3) AdminA uses spec to confirm report1
                4) As AdminA types the /spec command on the person you reported, the following pops up:
                "AdminA is checking your report, please wait patientally"
                5) PlayerB is punished or not

                This is the suggestion right?

                If it is, here are a few questions:
                A) What will happen if an admin doesn't use /spec and uses other commands such as the blowing up or dropping cmds? Will these cmds also be scripted as a trigger that sends a message to PlayerA?
                B) We don't need to be notified that an admin is checking our report because we know that all reports are checked even if they are false (it's what we are told anyway). Explain how it could change stuff for good in more depth.

                Just conferring.
                Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Eliteus View Post
                  Okay now that we got that off our chest this is your suggestion as I understand:
                  1) PlayerA reports PlayerB = report1
                  2) AdminA checks report1
                  3) AdminA uses spec to confirm report1
                  4) As AdminA types the /spec command on the person you reported, the following pops up:
                  "AdminA is checking your report, please wait patientally"
                  5) PlayerB is punished or not

                  This is the suggestion right?

                  If it is, here are a few questions:
                  A) What will happen if an admin doesn't use /spec and uses other commands such as the blowing up or dropping cmds? Will these cmds also be scripted as a trigger that sends a message to PlayerA?
                  B) We don't need to be notified that an admin is checking our report because we know that all reports are checked even if they are false (it's what we are told anyway). Explain how it could change stuff for good in more depth.

                  Just conferring.
                  QuestionA's Answer: As far as I know admins are supposed to /spec to make sure that the person is hacking or not.
                  QuestionB's Answer: No we don't, But what will we do with new players? Most of the new players don't give a fudge about being patient, So instead, They will go in and spam both main chat and admin's pm which will make it hard for admins to check reports as the chat will be spammy.


                  • #10
                    They're going to spam regardless of that so imo it's better with how we have it right now ^^ I barely see anyone complain about reports because we have a ton of admins who give priority to reports over everything else to the point where fking Pedro and PANZEHIR even steal my reports... well you get the point


                    • #11
                      Players who has patience may keep the patience but i don't think a newbie or an impatient player will stop sending private messages until their suspect gets punished. Those who are impatient normally are newbies along some active players who are fond of acting a newbie. Their report wont be taken into action every time as sometimes people misunderstand some rules or be the sync victim. They wont care whatsoever and expect whoever they reported to be punished even after an admin scanned the suspected player and found him clean. So they might not really wanna care about the text that informed their report is checked, what if they start the spam again like "You checked my report but why didn't you ban him yet or kick him or jail him?". Also their will be a need of additional command for admins to check the report which may also require to assign reports with id's; but doesn't seem to be quite fruitful for the hard work.
                      the 2 7 squad


                      • #12
                        In my opinion,
                        I agree with Jafri and Glator, players will always be impatient regardless. I also assume admins like to check reports in their own time and don't want players to get involved beyond the point of submitting the report. You send the report, and the rest is up to the admin, I would not see a reason for the players to need to know when it's being checked.
                        Last edited by DiscolouredFrog; 06-06-16, 07:55 PM.


                        • #13
                          Simply , to avoid all this , make command /acceptreport ( which can be used only by admins ) and when admin will use it player who reported will get message like this :
                          Administrator **** has accepted your report.
                          From here admins will do their job and you will know that admin saw your report .


                          People aren’t against you, they are for themselves.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by IwAn View Post
                            Simply , to avoid all this , make command /acceptreport ( which can be used only by admins ) and when admin will use it player who reported will get message like this :
                            Administrator **** has accepted your report.
                            From here admins will do their job and you will know that admin saw your report .
                            That will be a huge pain in the ass for admins since they receive a bulk of reports every minute and a lot of them are false. I really don't support this, also to add admins are also humans and can often forget to use the command '/acceptreport'. This will lead to players getting more angry and an increase in a lot of admin complaints. We don't want that as we already have a lot of extremely sensitive players reporting new admins for tiny, insignificant stuff.
                            Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


                            • #15
                              It really dosen't matter if they are fake or real... That is their job . And they dont need to use it always , while they are free to check reports, they can. It really wont change anything it will just let the player know that his report was saw and they will check the player who got reported .
                              People aren’t against you, they are for themselves.


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