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IRC suggestion...

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  • IRC suggestion...

    Depicting someone's ip on irc may seem fine to some but it isnt. Ip is a privacy too which need to be hidden even on irc.

  • #2
    Well, i don't know what would people do with each other's ip addresses. can someone tell me? is there something like hacking or idk?
    I'll vote when i know what's the use of the ip. even if someone is trying to steal your password from somewhere, you'll recieve a message on your email and tells you the ip address, Device type, Time, Date and position.
    Stay low, Go fast.
    Kill first, Die last.
    One shot, One kill
    No luck, Pure skill.


    • #3
      Other people can abuse your IP or can DDOS you. This means you can not longer connect to the internet.
      Yours sincerely

      Prof. Dr. Tarantula


      • #4
        Some hackers who do really know how to hack someone can copy your IP, and if it's not private, they can get into your private folders.

        This means they can get private information about you such as; address, name, surname, age and so on.

        They can also delete ''System32'' folder and fuck up your computer.

        It's a nice suggestion, I suport it.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Domination View Post
          Some hackers who do really know how to hack someone can copy your IP, and if it's not private, they can get into your private folders.

          This means they can get private information about you such as; address, name, surname, age and so on.

          They can also delete ''System32'' folder and fuck up your computer.

          It's a nice suggestion, I suport it.
          That's horrible, by the way, Nice Signature xD.

          ONTOIPC: I Support this suggestion as well, +1 GL
          Stay low, Go fast.
          Kill first, Die last.
          One shot, One kill
          No luck, Pure skill.


          • #6
            I would suggest that this should echo to an private channel so that only the admins can see this. Irc have stalkers and someone might tries to attack every ips they saw. ips are too vulnerable for these kind of attacks like what Tarantula said. And there's an attack like what domination is talking about. It granted you full permission to access anyone's device (not only a computer) and they can do what ever they want. Not really easy to protect yourself from these kind of attacks.
            PastorRichads: /q for Liberating yourself from the chains and bounds of this Virtual Nightmare

            <@GX-07> [14] Legend27: nick is indonessian


            • #7
              I'm supporting this. Anyone who knows your ip can find personal info about you easily ( real name, country , street , city , phone number ...) . It can be abused by someone so it should be removed .
              Have a nice day !
              People aren’t against you, they are for themselves.


              • #8
                Well I don't think Is Anybody here Who really knows how to get in someone pc using his Ip, Yeach Maybe he google it but he finds some useful stuff like remote controlling pc with each other and All that Stuff, But I Support this suggestion so your Pc get safe by me (Just Joking lol)
                When wearing a bikini, women reveal 90 % of their body... men are so polite they only look at the covered parts.


                • #9
                  It's hard to get players ips, this makes it way easier to ddos people. I support this suggestion hardly.
                  I just stole this signature from aliens, you like it?


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