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bounty suggestion!

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  • bounty suggestion!

    As ik, all most no one is hunting a money bountys because evry one have a lot of money but evry one want cookies.
    soo... i suggest cookie bounty /hitc <ammout> command it would bee great to have cookies bountys

  • #2
    Already suggested (but talking about manhunts) and I still disagree because people will surely abuse it, like a friend hit himself with cookies/cakes and they will let their friend kill them. I disagree cause of this
    Last edited by Pacific; 23-08-16, 09:35 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Pacific View Post
      Already suggested (but talkijg about manhunts) and I still disagree because people will surely abuse it, like a friend hit himself with cookies/cakes and they will let their friend kill them. I disagree cause of this
      It will be just like /givecookie, It's not abuse able!

      ONTOPIC: Suggested too many times, but i like it +1
      Stay low, Go fast.
      Kill first, Die last.
      One shot, One kill
      No luck, Pure skill.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Next View Post
        It will be just like /givecookie, It's not abuse able!

        ONTOPIC: Suggested too many times, but i like it +1
        Like people can use /givecash instead using bounty/manhunt, but tell it to them...


        • #5
          Originally posted by Pacific View Post
          Like people can use /givecash instead using bounty/manhunt, but tell it to them...
          That is if it is a manhunt, this is a bounty, so you are basically giving away your own cookies and putting a contract on someone else without generating cookies. Now I don't think this can possibly be abusable apart from spam and if we talk about spam, well then /givecookie can also be spammed. On the other hand, this was already suggested as a manhunt and for that reason I made the point that it would be abused but as a bounty it won't.

          With that being said, I am neutral on this suggestion and don't really hold an opinion, it would be an extra cool feature if added to the server and wouldn't do much harm if not added either.

          Here is what I said for the manhunt suggestion, if that helps:

          Last edited by Eliteus; 23-08-16, 10:20 PM.
          Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


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