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Tp Application

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  • Tp Application

    Username: SHEHROZ
    Any previous names: -
    Registered: 2014
    IRC Nickname: SHEHROZ
    Time spent in-game (hours): 320 h
    Last edited by Shehroz; 23-03-16, 09:53 AM.

  • #2
    You are not active and helpfull enough in-game and in the forums.

    Negative vote from me. You have to become more helpfull and active before making a Trusted Player Application.


    • #3
      you are not active, not ingame not in forums, this is a tp application not a joke, you just come in server just sone times and again quit, you only played just few hours from the time your last app denied till today, i only see your useless tp apps just posting stats and just logging ingame to set the last login for today, i dont think you will be ever get trusted player if you keep doing it.

      Dont mind, but at least take it serious you are just posting and doing nothing that is important for you to do.

      NO from me.


      • #4
        I am active.In fact you both are not active.I have been trying to be a good player but you always say No.In real you don't want to make me a tp and instant dont say a thing that you didnt know.I play gamerx 5 to 6 hours daily.I respect all the admins and players of gamerx but you people force me to talk to you like that.

        Sorry for talking like that but please also mend your ways and if you still say that i am inactive then check the increase of time spent in game between my previous and this application.
        Last edited by Shehroz; 22-03-16, 11:52 AM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Shehroz29 View Post
          I am active.In fact you both are not active.
          The admins who have already voted on your application (Instant and Beer) are both active on GamerX, even I am and I didn't see you at all lately.

          Learn how to recieve a honest negative vote from an Admin and stop acting like you know everything,
          No from me aswell.


          • #6
            So you are active ? yet you were posting yourself that you are going inactive until 15 march

            You also play 5-6 hours a day that means 180 hours addition to ur ingame time from your last application


            Time spent in-game (hours): 302 h <-- previous app

            Time spent in-game (hours): 317 h <--- this app
            I'm not trying to be sherlock here but trying to state the fact that you aren't active and you are lying so it's a no from me


            • #7
              Originally posted by Adrenaline View Post
              So you are active ? yet you were posting yourself that you are going inactive until 15 march

              You also play 5-6 hours a day that means 180 hours addition to ur ingame time from your last application

              I'm not trying to be sherlock here but trying to state the fact that you aren't active and you are lying so it's a no from me
              Nothing more to say.

              Last Login: 2016-03-22 14:26:51 - Last Logout: 2016-03-22 14:27:35
              You only joined for 1 minute today.

              No from me.


              • #8
                OK if you can't trust me then I shall never send a TP application again.


                • #9
                  My time spent in game has increased by 3 hours so I have edited my post.


                  • #10
                    This just happened recently when i'm spectating someone...
                    [18:16:03] <@GX-06> [46] *** SHEHROZ has left the game. (Left)
                    [18:16:50] <@GX-30> [24] *** SHEHROZ has joined the game.
                    [18:17:07] <@GX-26> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Robo_N1X (ID:28) to SHEHROZ (ID:24): tip: just /q before you die, you gonna safe your ks
                    [18:17:35] <@GX-21> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from SHEHROZ (ID:24) to Robo_N1X (ID:28): me?
                    [18:17:41] <@GX-26> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Robo_N1X (ID:28) to SHEHROZ (ID:24): yep
                    [18:17:49] <@GX-11> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from SHEHROZ (ID:24) to Robo_N1X (ID:28): i was bugged sir
                    [18:17:54] <@GX-17> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Robo_N1X (ID:28) to SHEHROZ (ID:24): you are not
                    [18:18:02] <@GX-24> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from SHEHROZ (ID:24) to Robo_N1X (ID:28): i was
                    [18:18:05] <@GX-06> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Robo_N1X (ID:28) to SHEHROZ (ID:24): nop
                    [18:18:16] <@GX-26> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from SHEHROZ (ID:24) to Robo_N1X (ID:28): how can you say that
                    [18:18:27] <@GX-11> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Robo_N1X (ID:28) to SHEHROZ (ID:24): because you are able to shoot on id 50 till low health
                    [18:18:35] <@GX-16> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Robo_N1X (ID:28) to SHEHROZ (ID:24): i mean 90
                    [18:18:47] <@GX-09> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from SHEHROZ (ID:24) to Robo_N1X (ID:28): but my skin was not coming
                    [18:18:59] <@GX-13> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Robo_N1X (ID:28) to SHEHROZ (ID:24): nopp
                    [18:19:16] <@GX-04> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from SHEHROZ (ID:24) to Robo_N1X (ID:28): tell me
                    [18:19:20] <@GX-14> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from SHEHROZ (ID:24) to Robo_N1X (ID:28): why
                    [18:19:29] <@GX-14> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Robo_N1X (ID:28) to SHEHROZ (ID:24): why? that should be my question
                    [18:19:56] <@GX-17> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from SHEHROZ (ID:24) to Robo_N1X (ID:28): i quit the game when he got away
                    [18:20:02] <@GX-25> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Robo_N1X (ID:28) to SHEHROZ (ID:24): Nope
                    [18:20:11] <@GX-12> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Robo_N1X (ID:28) to SHEHROZ (ID:24): you both were low health
                    [18:20:21] <@GX-30> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Robo_N1X (ID:28) to SHEHROZ (ID:24): but he can shot you one more hit till you die
                    [18:20:31] <@GX-19> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from SHEHROZ (ID:24) to Robo_N1X (ID:28): i was fighting with him but he went someother place
                    [18:20:39] <@GX-30> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Robo_N1X (ID:28) to SHEHROZ (ID:24): he didnt went
                    [18:20:44] <@GX-06> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Robo_N1X (ID:28) to SHEHROZ (ID:24): he was evading your fires
                    [18:21:23] <@GX-14> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from SHEHROZ (ID:24) to Robo_N1X (ID:28): i couldnt see him so i thought he went and i quited
                    [18:21:34] <@GX-13> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Robo_N1X (ID:28) to SHEHROZ (ID:24): nope you were still shooting
                    [18:21:49] <@GX-03> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from SHEHROZ (ID:24) to Robo_N1X (ID:28): did you see me
                    [18:21:53] <@GX-10> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Robo_N1X (ID:28) to SHEHROZ (ID:24): Yes
                    [18:22:42] <@GX-02> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from SHEHROZ (ID:24) to Robo_N1X (ID:28): i told you he left fighting me thats why i quit
                    [18:22:52] <@GX-11> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Robo_N1X (ID:28) to SHEHROZ (ID:24): yeah, go lie more
                    [18:22:55] <@GX-14> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Robo_N1X (ID:28) to SHEHROZ (ID:24): you wont be trusted player anyway
                    [18:23:08] <@GX-29> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from SHEHROZ (ID:24) to Robo_N1X (ID:28): ok then shut up
                    [18:23:12] <@GX-11> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Robo_N1X (ID:28) to SHEHROZ (ID:24): that's rude.
                    [18:23:26] <@GX-27> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from SHEHROZ (ID:24) to Robo_N1X (ID:28): thats best for you

                    --- FEW MINS LATER ---

                    [18:28:05] <@GX-17> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from SHEHROZ (ID:24) to Robo_N1X (ID:28): now tell me why id 90 stopped game when i was killing him
                    [18:28:28] <@GX-27> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Robo_N1X (ID:28) to SHEHROZ (ID:24): he didnt stop
                    [18:28:37] <@GX-20> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from SHEHROZ (ID:24) to Robo_N1X (ID:28): you cant see
                    [18:28:43] <@GX-02> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Robo_N1X (ID:28) to SHEHROZ (ID:24): he was going thru behind object to evade shoot
                    [18:28:55] <@GX-25> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from SHEHROZ (ID:24) to Robo_N1X (ID:28): are you mad
                    [18:28:59] <@GX-28> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Robo_N1X (ID:28) to SHEHROZ (ID:24): nope
                    [18:29:10] <@GX-18> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Robo_N1X (ID:28) to SHEHROZ (ID:24): im just telling you what i see and giving some useful tip
                    [18:29:50] <@GX-04> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from SHEHROZ (ID:24) to Robo_N1X (ID:28): then read my last pm when i joined that is best for you
                    [18:30:00] <@GX-26> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Robo_N1X (ID:28) to SHEHROZ (ID:24): yeh sure
                    [18:30:03] <@GX-29> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Robo_N1X (ID:28) to SHEHROZ (ID:24): and you keep pming me
                    Can't believe a Player would be "Trusted" lie to admins and tell them to shut up.
                    Last edited by Robo; 23-03-16, 01:09 PM.
                    KVIrc User


                    • #11
                      I am sorry to all the admins especially to admin Robo_N1X. You may reject this application. I want to tell you the time when i am active these are:
                      9:15 a.m to 11:15 a.m
                      12:15 p.m to 2:15 p.m
                      3:15 p.m to 4:15 or 5:15 p.m
                      All these times are according to Pakistan standard time.You may convert these time into your country time and check me whether i am playing or not. I shall try my best to be more active and sorry once again to all admins.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Shehroz29 View Post
                        I want to tell you the time when i am active these are:
                        9:15 a.m to 11:15 a.m
                        12:15 p.m to 2:15 p.m
                        3:15 p.m to 4:15 or 5:15 p.m
                        All these times are according to Pakistan standard time.You may convert these time into your country time and check me whether i am playing or not. I shall try my best to be more active and sorry once again to all admins.
                        being active IS NOT how long you online in game (even with schedule), being active is you do useful activity at gamerx beside playing, like helping players in need, reporting cheaters, or even being active in forum by making tutorials and helping/answering questions or also reporting bugs/suggesting idea you got. The more contributions you give, the more active you are.
                        Last edited by Robo; 24-03-16, 08:52 AM.
                        KVIrc User


                        • #13
                          OK I shall try my best.


                          • #14
                            Just one last tip - always be open to criticism. Accept and welcome all forms of criticism from people so long as they offer it respectfully and learn from it. Always be open to people criticising you and instead of being defensive about things, learn from it and improve yourself. Good luck.


                            • #15

                              You may reapply on April the 28th, 2016.


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