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Goodbye GamerX

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  • Goodbye GamerX

    Hello all GamerX players

    After some recent problems, sadly I have to announce I have decided it is best if I quit GamerX. I was recently demoted from Admin Level 7, for bad behaviour (but I did not abuse my admin powers, so do not worry about that ), and since then I have not been acting as I should, and I have been quite insulting towards certain players. I regret what I have done recently, and I hope you all realise that I only done it because I was angry about certain things, and not because I am a bad player.

    It comes with great regret that I am saying goodbye, and the reason why I am writing this farewell post is because you all mean a lot to me. It may seem silly to some... some people say "it's just a game", but to me, it's much more than that... its a community of people I have become great friends with over the past 6-7 years of my life. I am only 21 years old, so 6-7 years of my life is quite a substantial part of my life, and I have probably spoken to some of you more than I have spoken to my real life friends!

    GamerX was a place where I could go to get away from everyday stresses and worries, it was a place where I could come and relax and enjoy myself with friends. The year I first played GamerX is a bit unknown, but it was probably around 2008, and for the first few years I played on and off, occasionaly going inactive, then returning to GamerX. Not many people know, but I actually first played under a different name, and became a TP for a short while, thanks to Millie Lilou (even she wouldnt remember this!). I left GamerX, and came back a year or two later under a new name, which was woolly. I got TP after making an application, and I think it was Rick that promoted me to TP once I got accepted and passed the TP test (although I can't remember 100%). After that, I played a lot more, and met loads of awesome people.

    I don't know how many years I have played GamerX, but I know I became an Administrator in January 2011 (not sure on the exact day, but I think it was a friday, saturday, or sunday, because I remember playing all day the following day, so the following day couldn't have been a school day). I was an admin on GamerX for 5 successful years. I have seen a lot of players come and go over the years, but there are some special thanks I would like to give to specific players.

    Please note: If you didn't make the special thanks list, don't feel bad! There are thousands of players in GamerX, and with that comes thousands of friends, and it would be too difficult to list everyone! But I love you non the less <3

    ***Special thanks***
    • RockingEvilZ - For always being there when I needed someone to help me test something, or just someone to talk to! You are awesome!
    • Bloodcell - For me, the best player GamerX has seen, Bloodcell is undoubtly the most trustworthy person I have met in GamerX, and I cannot express enough how thankful I am to have a friend like you (get facebook!)
    • Stefan - Stefan is the reason I was made Admin, and though our friendship is not as close as it use to be, I still consider you one of my best friends in GamerX, and I will still be around on Facebook to annoy you <3 I owe you more than I can repay.
    • MoTheHobo - One of my best friends in GamerX, and always supported me as a TP, sadly I did not see him much lately, he is inactive now days.
    • Strunk - Best object maker in GamerX and probably in the whole of SAMP (along with jp1) and also one of the most trust worthy guys I have ever met.
    • Rz4ever6 - I haven't seen rz4ever in forever! He was one of my best friends in GamerX, and a shame he doesn't play anymore.
    • Danyel_D - For being the sexiest player in GamerX! your awesome.
    • Blooregurd - One of my first friends in GamerX when I started playing as Wooolly, miss you bro, RIP.
    • Beer - Has quickly become one of my best friends in GamerX, and I'm sure he will go far as admin.
    • Ms.Lina - Not only the most beautiful person in GamerX, but also the nicest person in GamerX! I hope we stay in contact <3
    • Robo - He has done well as a manager, even though it doesn't seem like it has been easy for him. Robo speaks his mind, and has always offered help when I needed it.
    • Matite - Some of you may be under the impression that admins see Matite, but in my 5 years of service, I hardly EVER spoke to Matite. Thanks for making this awesome server and forming this community of awesome people.
    • Rick - Rick has contributed a huge amount to GamerX, and is an inspiration, since I am also a programmer like him! He is not only an experienced programmer, but one of the nicest guys you could meet here on gamerx.
    • Cold - for being awesome.
    • Jobu Janes - Despite my poor jokes, he finds me funny, and I have to love anyone that finds me funny! <3 I consider Jobu Janes a very close friend
    • Tarantula - Came to me in my time of need when I got demoted.
    • LorSimon - The best management member GamerX has ever seen and possibly ever will see.
    • GrimVirus - Showed support for me in my 'final post' which ultimately resulted in this.
    • Dani - Me and Dani formed ATM clan, and I can't thank him enough for helping me form a clan like ATM. We may not be the biggest clan, but we have certainly made an impact on GamerX.
    • Norten - For protecting my PC from viruses (ha).
    • Panzehir - I often refer to him as varys (from game of thrones), because like varys, panzehir knows everything that is going on! He is like the king of spies, there is not much panzehir doesn't know about in GamerX. He has been one of my best friends in GamerX for a very long time.
    • Daan_deurloo - Daan doesn't get the recognition he deserves. He may not be the best behaved player, but he has been active on GamerX a lot longer than some Admins! And i have always had a soft spot for Daan <3
    • Jan Nissan - We have become friends rather recently, but he has shown me support when I was demoted, and he is super friendly.
    • Vallon and Morris - The deadly duo from the Netherlands. Many of you may not know of Vallon and Morris, but they are both Admins on GamerX (or at least they were, I am not sure if they still are), these two have always been close friends of mine, and I was always very eager to join there cool clan.
    • Maze - My english brother! I have always been good friends with Maze, but recently I have feel like we have become even closer friends!
    • Blackbird and Adrenaline - I feel like I could always rely on Adrenaline and Blackbird to have my back when I needed them, and the fact they are brothers and both admins I still find amazing! Brotherly love is real in these two.
    • Lemonkitten - One of the nicest players, and I will always remember you for hosting those speed boost events in the Las Venturas airport.
    • Cashewz - One of the most hard working admins, and someone you can always trust <3
    • Toxic Ro - We recently had a bit of trouble, but he was so understanding even though I acted like a bit of a dick towards him. You was apparently a nooby player when he joined GamerX, but you have certainly become an awesome admin.
    • Lames - Along with Stefan, I owe you more than I can repay. You have always been one of my closest friends.
    • Millie lilou - for originally making me TP many many many years ago (before I was wooolly!), your kid looks really sweet in the pictures you post of you two, and I wish you both the best in the future.
    • Hiyah - Like me, he speaks his mind and isn't afraid to say it how it is. I use to just consider Hiyah as very disrespectful, but I consider us friends now, even if he wouldn't admit it.

    I also think it's important to leave GamerX on a high and positive note, I did not create this post to create further drama, but to put it to an end. The list below is for people I would like to apologise to...
    • Dream - The drama between us two was very unnecessary. You was just defending your brother, but at the same time you attacked me very viciously with little provocation. I do not have anything against you, and I would like to apologise to you for any problems we had in the past.
    • Delija - Delija and I have had a lot of arguments in the past, but I wish to put that all in the past now. Despite our differences, I still consider him a capable member of management, and when GamerX needed a leader, he stepped up and filled that spot! Delija has changed a lot from the old friendly him, and as a manager maybe he feels that is his duty. I don't quite agree, but we all have different styles of administrating the server, and mine was quite the opposite. I wish you and Adriana all the best in the future, you are GamerX's most cutest couple.
    • Kat - I was quite insulting to Kat at one point, and she found it in her heart to forgive me and stop ignoring me. I don't know if you ever liked me as much as you once did, but I am truly sorry for any insults.
    • Left - My 'last post' was not aimed directly at you, but it may have seemed that way, which was very insulting. We've always got along well, so I hope my last post did not affect this frienship. You are one of the most awesome admins in GamerX and I truly consider you one of my closest friends.
    • Soollaimane - I left an insulting message to you on your forum wall, which you may or may not have seen by the time I deleted it (I felt bad). I am sorry, and you did not deserve that.
    • Northwest - If I am being brutely honest (I am not here to lie), I still don't trust you, but I am not here to cause drama, but rather fix it. Because of my distrust towards you, I acted badly towards you, and I think we are both at fault for different things that has resulted in our drama. I am certainly not the only one who is in the wrong in this situation, but I know I am at least to share the blame about what happpened between us. I am sorry for mistreating you, and I am not going to carry on this drama, whether you'd like to carry it on or not.
    • Stefan - One of my best friends on GamerX, but regardless I still acted like a bit of a dick towards you at times. Our friendship has been strained recently, and I truly am sorry for all the bad things I have said. You are without a doubt one of the most awesome people in GamerX, and from now on I will work harder to keep our friendship alive through facebook, and maybe one day you will get that skype call you always wanted!
    • Sunlust - I posted an innapropriate gif as a response to you posting a picture of yourself on the forums. I only did it as some harmless fun, and I did not mean to cause offense, I am sorry if it hurt you. It takes courage to reveal your true identity online, and no one has the right to make fun of that.

    That is all the special thank you's and sorry's I have wanted to get off my chest. This post may seem very soppy to a lot of you, but after playing on GamerX for so many years, I can't help but get a bit emotional and sad about leaving this community. I have hurt my reputation, and I'd like to leave with my head held high, which is why I am leaving now, and avoiding any futher damage to my reputation or my relationship with people. I said to some of you that I would not quit GamerX, and I have broken that promise. Maybe in a few years down the line I will visit again, this is not the end.
    Last edited by woolly; 15-04-16, 09:07 AM. Reason: Forgot to thank rick (sorry!) added now.

  • #2
    Bye bye dude, take care!


    • #3
      Even if we found another way to communicate I will still miss you here in GamerX. You are a great person.

      Take care about yourself and hopefully we will see you here ever again here in GamerX. No one will forget you.



      • #4
        If you have such kind of thinking , that you are always being insulted by players , that doesn't mean you'll leave the server?
        I think for the past few years , i have gone through this experience , worse experience.
        I done a shit in past , many know that and i was one of the most hated players in gamerx , and maybe still i am.
        I left gamerx for a year , but then i came back and always got insulted by players and got a bad impression towards admins. I got mazunga demoted , you know the reason. I got demoted from tp status , being it for 2 years. I am still one of those hated players , i get deny in every clan , still i am so happy ingame , because gx is like a second home for me , as i played it for 6 years. I had spent my childhood here only. As i worked hard , i achieved what i wanted to achieve, you were a great person , still you are and you just CAN'T lose hope because of your status? Work hard , achieve it. It doesn't take time for a demoted admin to regain his status. Though , i got tp after 3 years after i got demoted. Just don't lose hope , hope is everything , i always missed gx after that and surely you'll also miss it and join back. Its a game , it surely is wooolly. GamerX is an addictive server , where you can only find mature people to communicate with. Just don't leave your friends , thats it


        • #5
          Enjoy your life, you also contributed to the success of GamerX and you will always be in your home here.


          • #6
            good bye, take care


            • #7
              peace out my *****


              • #8
                Good bye my friend WoooIIy! You'll be never forgotten there. Good Luck on your life!


                • #9
                  Good bye Wooolly . We will miss you , Best regards mate . <3


                  • #10
                    Good bye woolly, i really feel sad for leaving GamerX, i wish you all the best from me, i really know what you feel and i'm sorry for this. you were a good admin. we didn't know much about ourselves (u and i) but from your post here, i knew much things about you, (Innoced) and i wish you all the best. Good bye
                    Stay low, Go fast.
                    Kill first, Die last.
                    One shot, One kill
                    No luck, Pure skill.


                    • #11
                      You're still a friendly and very good person, I wish you all the best in your life and take care !


                      • #12
                        good bye,take care
                        peace out!


                        • #13
                          Peace fam.
                          PastorRichads: /q for Liberating yourself from the chains and bounds of this Virtual Nightmare

                          <@GX-07> [14] Legend27: nick is indonessian


                          • #14
                            I wish you all the best for the future <3
                            Yours sincerely

                            Prof. Dr. Tarantula


                            • #15
                              Awww :/ good bye shippy! take care and good luck in ur life!


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