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GamerX 2017 Awards

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  • GamerX 2017 Awards

    GamerX 2017 Awards

    Hello everyone, it became a tradition here on GamerX ! Make your votes for the GamerX awards
    GamerX Racer of the year The best racer
    GamerX Killer of the year The best DMer/Dueler
    GamerX Pursuiter of the year The best Pursuiter (/PURSUIT)
    GamerX Trusted Player of the year The trusted player with the best behaviour
    GamerX Admin of the year Choose the best admin
    GamerX Most Helpful Player of the year The player who helped the most other players
    GamerX Most Funny Player of the year The player who always bring a good humor in GamerX
    GamerX Mapper of the year The player who made the best maps
    GamerX /EVENT player of the year The player you always want to be with when you play in /event
    GamerX Most Active Player of the year The most active player
    GamerX Event of the year The outstanding event which took place in 2017 in the community.
    GamerX Gamemode feature of the year The best gamemode feature which has been added in 2017(Not many new features I admit)
    GamerX Clan of the year Choose the best clan
    GamerX Forum Topic of the year Post the link of the best forum topic
    GamerX Special Award of the year You are free to give it to the player you want with the reasons you want
    To vote please use this format :
    GamerX Racer of the year : NAME      
    GamerX Killer of the year : NAME
    GamerX Pursuiter of the year : NAME
    GamerX Trusted Player of the year : NAME
    GamerX Admin of the year : NAME
    GamerX Most Helpful Player of the year : NAME
    GamerX Most Funny Player of the year: NAME
    GamerX Mapper of the year : NAME
    GamerX /EVENT player of the year : NAME
    GamerX Most Active Player of the year : NAME
    GamerX Event of the year : NAME
    GamerX Gamemode feature of the year : NAME
    GamerX Clan of the year : NAME
    GamerX Forum Topic of the year : NAME
    GamerX Special Award of the year : AWARD TITLE AND PLAYER NAME

  • #2

    GamerX Racer of the year : THI[AK]
    GamerX Killer of the year : -
    GamerX Pursuiter of the year : Hoia
    GamerX Trusted Player of the year : Enjoythenoise
    GamerX Admin of the year : -
    GamerX Most Helpful Player of the year : All bots
    GamerX Most Funny Player of the year: Fernando_squarepants
    GamerX Mapper of the year : Bol
    GamerX /EVENT player of the year :Yoven
    GamerX Most Active Player of the year : Thi[AK]
    GamerX Event of the year : Hunger Games
    GamerX Gamemode feature of the year : /fuckyou
    GamerX Clan of the year : [AK] GamerX
    Forum Topic of the year : GamerX Memes
    GamerX Special Award of the year : Gold medal to every player that join events/chases


    • #3

      GamerX Racer of the year : ChargeR_[GT]

      GamerX Killer of the year : I choose myself cuz I literally made 38k kills this year, but If I cant choose myself, I choose Yoven_UY[AK]

      GamerX Pursuiter of the year : -

      GamerX Trusted Player of the year : EnjoyTheNoise

      GamerX Admin of the year : -

      GamerX Most Helpful Player of the year : Muaaz

      GamerX Most Funny Player of the year: -

      GamerX Mapper of the year : bol

      GamerX /EVENT player of the year : THI

      GamerX Most Active Player of the year : -

      GamerX Event of the year : Hunger Games ofc

      GamerX Gamemode feature of the year : -

      GamerX Clan of the year : Stalwart

      GamerX Forum Topic of the year : -

      GamerX Special Award of the year: -
      Last edited by Churre; 30-12-17, 06:14 PM.


      • #4

        *GamerX Racer of the year : Charger_[GT]
        *GamerX Killer of the year : Thihax[AK]
        *GamerX Pursuiter of the year : idk
        *GamerX Trusted Player of the year : me ofc
        *GamerX Admin of the year : HeartBeat
        *GamerX Most Helpful Player of the year : Kalifa22
        *GamerX Most Funny Player of the year: Kalifa22, I really love his jokes
        *GamerX Mapper of the year : GenGar
        *GamerX /EVENT player of the year : Me
        *GamerX Most Active Player of the year : Thihax always afk.
        *GamerX Event of the year : GRC by Dunga
        *GamerX Gamemode feature of the year : Last Squad Standing
        *GamerX Clan of the year : 22 squad
        *GamerX Forum Topic of the year :
        *GamerX Special Award of the year :
        Most Handsome Player - Kalifa22
        Last edited by Kalifa22; 29-12-17, 11:52 PM.


        • #5
          GamerX Racer of the year : Charger_[GT]
          GamerX Killer of the year : Payrle + [S]ollaimane
          GamerX Pursuiter of the year : -
          GamerX Trusted Player of the year : Muaaz + DeclanIsKing[27]
          GamerX Admin of the year : [7NA]HeartBeat + Charger_[GT] (Most active, pretty sure they will take over me in levels xd)
          GamerX Most Helpful Player of the year : Muaaz
          GamerX Most Funny Player of the year: AntMan[AK]
          GamerX Mapper of the year : DeclanIsKing[27]
          GamerX /event player of the year : Cashewz
          GamerX Most Active Player of the year : [7NA]HeartBeat + Charger_[GT]
          GamerX Event of the year : Gamemode event: GRC CTF and for general event/happening: Force's/Churre's ban appeals
          GamerX Gamemode feature of the year : Nothing stood out to me, but I appreciate a lot of the pre-existing gamemode features
          GamerX Clan of the year : [27] & our official ally [7NA] - Shout out to [27NA]
          Forum Topic of the year : Your GamerX history! -
          GamerX Special Award of the year : batcold[27] and Glator[27] on achieving admin status
          Last edited by Eliteus; 30-12-17, 12:19 PM.
          Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


          • #6
            GamerX Racer of the year : ChargeR_[GT]
            GamerX Killer of the year : GenGar[AK]
            GamerX Pursuiter of the year : GenGar[AK]
            GamerX Trusted Player of the year : EnjoyTheNoise
            GamerX Admin of the year : [7NA]Evil_
            GamerX Most Helpful Player of the year : Muaaz
            GamerX Most Funny Player of the year: Kaz0ke <3
            GamerX Mapper of the year : DeclanIsKing[27]
            GamerX /EVENT player of the year :GenGar[AK]
            GamerX Most Active Player of the year : THI[AK]
            GamerX Event of the year : Siege
            GamerX Gamemode feature of the year : -
            GamerX Clan of the year : [AK]
            Forum Topic of the year : -
            GamerX Special Award of the year : -
            Last edited by THI; 31-12-17, 08:15 AM.


            • #7

              GamerX Racer of the year : [S]olaimane.
              GamerX Killer of the year : [S]olaimane.
              GamerX Pursuiter of the year : [S]olaimane
              GamerX Trusted Player of the year : All the Tps who got promoted this year
              GamerX Admin of the year : [S]olaimane
              GamerX Most Helpful Player of the year : [S]olaimane
              GamerX Most Funny Player of the year: [S]olaimane
              GamerX Mapper of the year : Bol
              GamerX /EVENT player of the year : [S]olaimane
              GamerX Most Active Player of the year : [S]olaimane
              GamerX Event of the year : SHIP/GRC CTF
              GamerX Gamemode feature of the year : I would say the donators features
              GamerX Clan of the year : [S]
              GamerX Forum Topic of the year : This ban appeal
              GamerX Special Award of the year : I would like to give the award of the best memer of the year to Kakashi.
              Last edited by Solaimane; 29-12-17, 10:18 PM.


              • #8

                GamerX Racer of the year : Charger_[GT]

                GamerX Killer of the year : Cashewz, [S]olaimane

                GamerX Pursuiter of the year : gedo[s]

                GamerX Trusted Player of the year : Yoven_UY[AK]

                GamerX Admin of the year : Pedro

                GamerX Most Helpful Player of the year : fernando_squarepants is very helpful

                GamerX Most Funny Player of the year: Jafri

                GamerX Mapper of the year : DeclanIsKing[27]

                GamerX /EVENT player of the year : Eliteus[27], [S]olaimane

                GamerX Most Active Player of the year : [7NA]HeartBeat

                GamerX Event of the year : Fallout/TheVillageFallout

                GamerX Gamemode feature of the year : Donators

                GamerX Clan of the year : 2 7 Deux Sept

                GamerX Forum Topic of the year : Post funny GX quotes

                ​​​​​​​GamerX Special Award of the year : Self-Dedication award for Rick, for admitting that he is gay and loves men and dicks.
                Last edited by Payrle; 29-12-17, 10:17 PM.


                • #9

                  GamerX Racer of the year : ChargeR_[GT]
                  GamerX Killer of the year : payrle is inactive sometimes so "[S]ollaimane"
                  GamerX Pursuiter of the year : -
                  GamerX Trusted Player of the year : Muaaz
                  GamerX Admin of the year : [7NA]HeartBeat "always active , dealing with cheaters"
                  GamerX Most Helpful Player of the year : Muaaz "this dude always helps in game + on forums"
                  GamerX Most Funny Player of the year: me for my memes hahaha
                  GamerX Mapper of the year : DeclanIsKing[27]
                  GamerX /EVENT player of the year : THI[AK]
                  GamerX Most Active Player of the year : [7NA]HeartBeat "even if he's afk most of the time xD"
                  GamerX Event of the year : the fallout testmap xD
                  GamerX Gamemode feature of the year : -
                  GamerX Clan of the year : [S] for sure xD
                  GamerX Forum Topic of the year : "Message To Everyone" By Left
                  GamerX Special Award of the year : as sool mentioned best memer for me plz , thx


                  • #10
                    GamerX Racer of the year : THI because he is the new awesome racer to the server
                    GamerX Killer of the year : Eliteus (spec him at GRC sometime!) and Czech_Player (Czech got fucking 176k score!!!)
                    GamerX Pursuiter of the year : Fernando_sqaurepants because we had /pu in rhino yesterday (with shooting!)
                    GamerX Trusted Player of the year : Me because I abuse God mode daily... joke EnjoyTheNoise!
                    GamerX Admin of the year : Beats xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
                    GamerX Most Helpful Player of the year : izayoi and Roddja for helping players the most with getting Goos for ranking up.
                    GamerX Most Funny Player of the year : Jafri everything he says is funny wtf
                    GamerX Mapper of the year : Roddja because everything she builds is detailed. They aren't event maps, but it's still mapping.
                    GamerX /EVENT player of the year : Cashewz because who can kill him?
                    GamerX Most Active Player of the year : Yoven as he is always on and DMing all damn day (and stealing my goos, which I would appreciate if he would stop doing...) lol
                    GamerX Event of the year : Hunger Games baby!
                    GamerX Gamemode feature of the year : Donator Status and the features that came with it
                    GamerX Clan of the year : [27] ofc
                    Forum Topic of the year : Server needs more Goos! because it actually created change. *looks around to see if anyone chose Forces 1st ban appeal*
                    GamerX Special Award of the year : Panzehir for working his ass off with reports! HeartBeat for always giving me a warm friendly welcome whenever I teleport to his property to /buy it! Evil for always loading events for players! Hoss for building overall stats page so I can get bragging rights for being 1st in Goos Found! Paige for being awesome when she was here! She left. Left for playing music when he is on!

                    Czech_Player for Trusted Player! #Czech4TP



                    • #11
                      GamerX Racer of the year : ChargeR_[GT]
                      GamerX Killer of the year : [S]ollaimane & Cashewz
                      GamerX Pursuiter of the year : EnjoyTheNoise
                      GamerX Trusted Player of the year : Yoven_UY[AK] & DeclanIsKing
                      GamerX Admin of the year : PANZEHIR
                      GamerX Most Helpful Player of the year : [7NA]Evil_
                      GamerX Most Funny Player of the year: Eliteus[27]
                      GamerX Mapper of the year : izayoi & Nate & Roddja
                      GamerX /EVENT player of the year : Nerf15
                      GamerX Most Active Player of the year : [7NA]Evil_
                      GamerX Event of the year : April fools day (It was huge and chaotic but in a good way, everyone was having a good time)
                      GamerX Gamemode feature of the year : Donator feature
                      GamerX Clan of the year : [27] & [27NA] (even tho it was for 1 day but made it in.)
                      GamerX Forum Topic of the year : What are you listening to right now?
                      GamerX Special Award of the year : Kakashi[S] for making amazing memes of sool's hair and payrle and jafri.

                      Happy new year!
                      Last edited by HeartBeat; 30-12-17, 10:28 AM.


                      • #12
                        GamerX Racer of the year : ChargeR_[GT]
                        GamerX Killer of the year : Yoven_UY[AK]
                        GamerX Pursuiter of the year : Whithes_[AK]
                        GamerX Trusted Player of the year : Hoock
                        GamerX Admin of the year : [7NA]Evil_
                        GamerX Most Helpful Player of the year : GXTempNameID12
                        GamerX Most Funny Player of the year: -
                        GamerX Mapper of the year : GXTempNameID12
                        GamerX /EVENT player of the year : GXTempNameID12
                        GamerX Most Active Player of the year : GXTempNameID12
                        GamerX Event of the year : -
                        GamerX Gamemode feature of the year : -
                        GamerX Clan of the year : -
                        GamerX Forum Topic of the year : -
                        GamerX Special Award of the year : -
                        Last edited by Golden_eyes; 30-12-17, 10:41 AM.


                        • #13

                          GamerX Racer of the year : THI[AK]
                          GamerX Killer of the year : Yoven_UY[AK]
                          GamerX Pursuiter of the year : Golden_eyes
                          GamerX Trusted Player of the year : Golden_eyes
                          GamerX Admin of the year : Beer_[AK]
                          GamerX Most Helpful Player of the year : Muaaz
                          GamerX Most Funny Player of the year: BIG_SMOKE[AK]
                          GamerX Mapper of the year:-
                          GamerX/EVENT player of the year: Cashewz
                          GamerX Most Active Player of the year: -
                          GamerX Event of the year : -
                          GamerX Gamemode feature of the year:-
                          GamerX Clan of the year : [AK]
                          GamerX Forum Topic of the year : -
                          GamerX Special Award of the year :-
                          Last edited by Whithes; 30-12-17, 03:00 AM.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Rick View Post
                            GamerX Event of the year The outstanding event which took place in 2017 in the community.
                            GamerX Event of the year : NAME
                            Please stop confusing this with gamerx /event minigame every year.
                            KVIrc User


                            • #15

                              GamerX Racer of the year: Charger_[GT], THI
                              GamerX Killer of the year : [S]olaimane Eliteus[27] (dude is a monster)
                              GamerX Pursuiter of the year : -
                              GamerX Trusted Player of the year : Yoven_UY, EnjoyTheNoise, Kaz0ke
                              GamerX Admin of the year : batcold[27], [7NA]Heartbeat, Pedro, Eliteus[27], [S]olaimane, [7NA]Evil
                              GamerX Most Helpful Player of the year : Yoven_UY, Muaaz
                              GamerX Most Funny Player of the year: Hamza[27] and Antman[AK] all the wayyy (Pastor_Richards would take over them if he was active!) GamerX Mapper of the year : Eliteus[27], MaxSafy, Declanisking[27]
                              GamerX /EVENT player of the year : Eliteus[27], Nerf15[27], Yoven_UY
                              GamerX Most Active Player of the year : DeclanisKing[27], Yoven_UY, Roddja, Krrish[AK]
                              GamerX Event of the year : We are back on hosted tab! and ofc batcold[27]'s promotion.
                              GamerX Gamemode feature of the year : Donor feature since it will help pay off the servers costs.
                              GamerX Clan of the year : [2 7]
                              GamerX Forum Topic of the year : Post a picture of yourself!
                              GamerX Special Award of the year : Hamza[27] for being the screaming maniac on discord and Eliteus[27] for his amazing Ugandan accent troll!
                              Last edited by Glator; 02-01-18, 06:55 AM.
                              the 2 7 squad


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