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Army Spawn Zone | War Spawn Zone

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  • Army Spawn Zone | War Spawn Zone

    This idea is kinda revolutionary as this would be a "big" change.

    It never made sense for me that in the army spawn zone you can't use grenades/rockets. It's also kinda funny 'cause in the past there used to be grenade pick ups there (I don't know if they already got removed).

    So yeah, my point is, in this spawn zone the explosive weapons and DB should be allowed. Everyone automatically relates army to war, right? That's also the reason why the army spawn zone has one of the highest rulebreaking ratio. I, as a newbie, would automatically assume that if I am in some militar base I would be able to fight (with any gun) there, no? It's kinda the most logic thing.

    I would suggest something like calling it a "War spawnzone" or something similar. When you're in the class selection screen, it would show you a message/alert saying that these skins spawn in a "war" zone; therefore rockets, db, grenades, etc. are allowed there. I would also change the red color on the map to a yellow one or purple, just to make differentiation between red zones and this one.

    This suggestion would also be a perfect solution for all those rulebreakers in this zone (since technically they wouldn't be breaking any rule now).
    Last edited by LorSimon; 27-08-16, 10:07 PM. Reason: Repeated something lmao
    I didn't choose to be latin, I just had luck.

  • #2
    Why not it will add some more fun in gamerX, there will be a alot of war in this zone rockets, grenades etc i find it very nice this should be added.
    Last edited by Muaaz; 27-08-16, 09:45 PM.


    • #3
      Yeaa totally support this. Everyone chooses army thinking that grenades and rockets are allowed there, and i remember the grenades in the /wwk, yes, +1 why not?
      Stay low, Go fast.
      Kill first, Die last.
      One shot, One kill
      No luck, Pure skill.


      • #4
        I got your idea
        Since the class is a soldier (Army) Obviously a soldier takes part in wars and consequently there could be the possibility of using rocket or grenade in this area
        But if each class has a reason to exist, a player to choose (Clown) as his class, he would have to clowning? Or in the case of the doctor, he would have to heal the players around you?
        If a player wants to have fun using rockets or grenades, There are other places for him to do that.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Gengar View Post
          I got your idea
          Since the class is a soldier (Army) Obviously a soldier takes part in wars and consequently there could be the possibility of using rocket or grenade in this area
          But if each class has a reason to exist, a player to choose (Clown) as his class, he would have to clowning? Or in the case of the doctor, he would have to heal the players around you?
          If a player wants to have fun using rockets or grenades, There are other places for him to do that.
          The point is not the skin itself. The skin was just a partial point, but actually the most important points are: A)The place, B)The amount of rulebreaking.

          A) Army spawn point is near to the airport, one places with the most player activity. You know in /ga you find a lot of people using rocket, grenades, doing DB etc. but later at some meters from the airport you find a red zone where you can't do it and I'm sure players get confused by this. The place itself and the circumstances are factors which increase the amount of rulebreaking in this place.

          B) As explained in point 'A', the amount of rulebreaking here is huge. That's just a fact, EVERYTIME I go to /wwk I find someone either using rockets or doing db there. That's just disturbing. And as I said, it's 'cause of the circumstances that are in favor to rulebreak there. The fact that it is an "army" place which makes people relate it to war, the fact the place is near /Ga, the fact people are used to use "heavy" armament in /ga, etc.

          So yeah, this suggestion is mainly a solution for all this rulebreak. Fighting rulebreaking only with /kicks /ban /jail is not always the best thing to do. There are many factors behind all this rulebreak.
          Last edited by LorSimon; 28-08-16, 02:37 AM.
          I didn't choose to be latin, I just had luck.


          • #6
            I see that your goal is to make the army spawn a different redzone of others because their location is in an area of "War"

            There are a few solutions for this:
            First: Your suggestion (Make the army spawn is converted into a war zone without rules related to DB, Rocket or grenades)

            Second: Make the army spawn wont be considered a redzone, which make possible the use of rockets,grenades,minigun. etc....

            Third: If the goal of your suggestion is to end this problem of rocket, DB in redzone, it would be possible that when a player register himself
            Appears on your screen all the rules related to gamerx
            This will make it aware that it is not allowed to use rocket or grenade in the area


            • #7
              Originally posted by Gengar View Post

              Third: If the goal of your suggestion is to end this problem of rocket, DB in redzone, it would be possible that when a player register himself
              Appears on your screen all the rules related to gamerx
              This will make it aware that it is not allowed to use rocket or grenade in the area
              I don't pretend to solve the rulebreaking "in red zone" (as general); only the rulebreaking in this specific zone which is the army base ('cause this zone is full of certain circumstances that increase the rulebreaking). Also, I don't think a message would solve this. People will just skip that message as usual and will continue their rulebreaking. That could be an extra help tho' (for the other red zones), but I think it's better to solve the army problem from the root.
              Last edited by LorSimon; 28-08-16, 07:27 AM.
              I didn't choose to be latin, I just had luck.


              • #8
                Overall I im in favour of the suggestion.
                But I my mind says it might create some problems. Like, there are certain places in the red zone/spawn zone(if it is changed to yellow/pink zone) where players spawn. Being specific to my point, many of the players know the spawn point of another player (as it is cyclic) so they know where the player will spawn after they killed him/her. Hence, the player will take the position where the other player (who got killed) will spawn and he will just be waiting with aim (for example aim with RPG) to blow the player who just spawned. Therefore, the newly spawned players will get killed mostly. Resultantly, this will force players to change their spawn (class) which means the spawn at /wwk (Army Base) will be of no use as none of the players would like to get killed often.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Robo_N1X
                  Also to be fair with other classes, make medic class to be able to heal people, add more ambulances, and remove their guns, replace that mp5 pickup with health pickup[...]
                  Yeah yeah, your answer is very funny, I almost laughed. Now that you already made the sarcastic post of the day, now try to read my other replies since I already answered gengar about the things you say (your post is practically the same thing gengar already said. In case you didn't know).

                  Gonna qoute my previous answer anyway....

                  The point is not the skin itself. The skin was just a partial point, but actually the most important points are: A)The place, B)The amount of rulebreaking.

                  A) Army spawn point is near to the airport, one places with the most player activity. You know in /ga you find a lot of people using rocket, grenades, doing DB etc. but later at some meters from the airport you find a red zone where you can't do it and I'm sure players get confused by this. The place itself and the circumstances are factors which increase the amount of rulebreaking in this place.

                  B) As explained in point 'A', the amount of rulebreaking here is huge. That's just a fact, EVERYTIME I go to /wwk I find someone either using rockets or doing db there. That's just disturbing. And as I said, it's 'cause of the circumstances that are in favor to rulebreak there. The fact that it is an "army" place which makes people relate it to war, the fact the place is near /Ga, the fact people are used to use "heavy" armament in /ga, etc.

                  So yeah, this suggestion is mainly a solution for all this rulebreak. Fighting rulebreaking only with /kicks /ban /jail is not always the best thing to do. There are many factors behind all this rulebreak.
                  I didn't choose to be latin, I just had luck.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Robo_N1X
                    Also to be fair with other classes, make medic class to be able to heal people, add more ambulances, and remove their guns, replace that mp5 pickup with health pickup, medic should be able to use /healme at lower price... /jp is lower price for army , add more luxury cars to rich spawn and everytime player is in rich spawnzone it gives them +$10000 per minute, and if any new player spawn as this, they get $500000 instead of $50000, not like Hobo class, they would get $500 only and less cars, bar girl class should be given more beers and strippers, fireman class should be able to spawn /fe and more firetruck instead of cars, including the chopper for rescue, farmer spawn should be moved to a farm, not in a station, worker class should be given more big cars, cement trucks than just monster truck, add back the rhinos in army spawn that was used in old version of gx, and done, we are back to GamerX TDM era...
                    Beside that Police & SWAT should functionally as how like in cnr, so everyone has wanted level if they are making riot around...

                    oh almost forgot about clucker, maybe you sell foods...

                    I know you said "you as a newbie", too many newbies got spawn classes wrong as they think it's TDM, well thats' the gamerx fault tho :\
                    Robo, I don't know why you're wasting your and our time writing respectively reading your reply/suggestions that would fit better for a roleplay server.. if you're not that happy with GamerX' gamemode then go ahead and leave. This suggestion is about having one spawn zone as a fun zone with less rules.

                    Your reply lacks a single valid point. We can rename the Army spawnzone to "Racer spawn" and LorSimon's suggestion would still make sense. It's not about the skin or the name, it's about the actual location of the zone.
                    What LorSimon said makes perfect sense, the San Fierro airport's proximity to the army spawn zone brings in more rulebreakers, since a lot of people hang around at /ga and the army zone. If it's made to a "warzone" then it can be more fun for new players, since some people assume that the army class is a zone with grenades and rockets and whatnot.
                    Last edited by Burnedgrass; 28-08-16, 04:45 PM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ATP View Post
                      Overall I im in favour of the suggestion.
                      But I my mind says it might create some problems. Like, there are certain places in the red zone/spawn zone(if it is changed to yellow/pink zone) where players spawn. Being specific to my point, many of the players know the spawn point of another player (as it is cyclic) so they know where the player will spawn after they killed him/her. Hence, the player will take the position where the other player (who got killed) will spawn and he will just be waiting with aim (for example aim with RPG) to blow the player who just spawned. Therefore, the newly spawned players will get killed mostly. Resultantly, this will force players to change their spawn (class) which means the spawn at /wwk (Army Base) will be of no use as none of the players would like to get killed often.
                      Yeah dude, I already had thought about this same thing, but it won't be a problem since we have Anti-spawnkill System already. Those seconds of GodMode will protect you from getting spawnkilled :b

                      By the way, another good thing would be to increase the anti-spawnkill time only for the army class, so they would have even more time to react.
                      Last edited by LorSimon; 28-08-16, 05:14 PM.
                      I didn't choose to be latin, I just had luck.


                      • #12
                        Yeah dude, I already had thought about this same thing, but it won't be a problem since we have Anti-spawnkill System already. Those seconds of GodMode will protect you from getting spawnkilled :b
                        Though it is called Anti-spawn kill system, in fact it does not act as a shield even against sawn off, how could it protect players from getting rammed with RPG (keeping other weapons aside as most of them dont work when anti-spawn kill is turned on.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ATP View Post
                          Though it is called Anti-spawn kill system, in fact it does not act as a shield even against sawn off, how could it protect players from getting rammed with RPG (keeping other weapons aside as most of them dont work when anti-spawn kill is turned on.
                          What if I tell you actually sawn off has way more damage than RPG? GodMode can easily protect you from RPG, I can assure you (talking about direct shots from one person).

                          Maybe you could get killed if there are many people shooting at you at the same time, but that doesn't happen really often, so I wouldn't consider it as a problem.
                          Last edited by LorSimon; 28-08-16, 05:41 PM.
                          I didn't choose to be latin, I just had luck.


                          • #14
                            It's been suggested by admins many times about spawn classes that would spawn around /ga, and things like random spawn... But those discussion was around admin and already a lot opinion was made including the arguments of anti spawn-kill, or the use of /ga is not just for killing it's also for stunting as well, so there are so many arguments around here, even /af can't protect cars from rockets. I've seen many other servers or gamemode that are doing good on this, but doesn't mean we should just replace one spawn, my point is to replace it all... Instead of one special thing, since that would increase more confusion for the new players. I do agree it would be large change and there are so many risk of it (i repeat, it wont be easy!). Otherwise just let it stay like that which is better than changing a single thing. The only main problem is probably if the dev want to try it or not.

                            And why all spawn, because it's actually more often happened in Police/SWAT spawn classes in my opinion, since this both spawn are close to each other, alot of them thinks they are in same team and do a driveby going to other spawn nearby like army and chickens. Not forgetting the water tank and RC-vehicles available there... That's just personal opinion to say which spawn has largest rulebreaker amount, and its all actually relative, so you could also say it's way more happen to Medic or Bar girl.

                            The previous post i'm saying shows how Team Death Match do, not Roleplay. Back then as far i know GamerX was a kinda TDM gamemode (not fully as how i explained). I do remember the screenshot of old GamerX showing rhino tank in army spawn.

                            GamerX is not that fully TDM thing it's kinda unique combination of freeroaming, but if you call, it's also contain RP like feature as well you can notice about properties and /me commands and money stuff these are common elements in Role-Playing gamemodes. a TDM wouldn't probably care about money. Neither an A/D gamemode or even a Race only gamemode doesn't require you cash at all if they don't allow you to buy/sell car or such, because the main subject of race is just racing with other players through checkpoints till finish.

                            if you still think i got the idea wrong, then try to look at the topic title... I'm not going out of that subject.

                            Logically in suggesting or reporting thing, that's because you think something will be good or that thing which already present is not good, so am i wrong saying that if the spawn is kinda faulty since it's confusing newbies? And why are you telling me to leave the gamerx because i say so? So why not just deny all suggestions and say "if you do not like the current feature, then go leave instead of suggesting"?

                            Just feel free to laugh whatever you wish, i never tried to be funny here, or i suggest you to look some gamemode scripts on sa-mp forums, explore and try different kinds of classes and spawns between gamemodes by downloading and starting the server on localhost. Or if it wasn't easy, just visit other server, search on google since the Internet list is just few as it's bugged only showing the Host-tab servers. And for the last time again, this part is not sarcasm.
                            Last edited by Robo; 28-08-16, 06:31 PM. Reason: Added sa-mp forum link
                            KVIrc User


                            • #15
                              1. I am aware of previous suggestions/discussions about spawn zone changes. I actually already suggested another cool idea in admin section, like adding green zones (pacific zones), yellow zones (where you could use bugs), and keep red zones as well.

                              So yeah, I'm pretty sure none suggested this same idea before. Even if there are some things in common, the idea and the purpose is different.

                              2. If your point is to apply it on every spawn zone and give them a "faction", well, my suggestion wasn't meant to give army class a faction. It's just to create a new way of spawn zone that due to the circumstances, would give a solution for the amount of rulebreak there (in the army base).

                              About players being confused, the yellow color, plus a clear and visible message on the screen selection mode could be enough for players to know you can use rockets there, etc.

                              3. I actually didn't say army had the biggest amount of rulebreakers, I said it has one of the highest amount. For me medic and army spawns have the highest rulebreaking ratio. I only suggested to change the army one, because I consider it's more proper due to all the circumstances I mentioned before.

                              4. The tittle if fine, it's a reference that the thread has something to do with army spawn zone and that I want it to change to a "war zone".

                              5. I do think there are maaany good suggestions that have been denied only 'cause GamerX is afraid of changes. I think GX is wasting a lot of good chances 'cause of the fear of making a change.

                              I consider it a mistake since it's already 2016 and the gamemode hasn't changed much. I'm talking about the basic stuff. Yes, there are new cool features, events, etc. and I still consider GamerX has the best gamemode in samp. But as I said, we're missing so many cool stuff only 'cause of that fear of making big changes. If the changes don't show a good result, then you can always change things back (that's what back ups are made for). But don't doing something only 'cause it implies a "risk", it's a big mistake. There are always risks on everything.
                              I didn't choose to be latin, I just had luck.


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