The principal thing that motivated me to apply for this position is that I need to complete a favor, and I'm going to explain it:
When I first joined this server, it was with clan wars purpose I didn't know anything about it. Of course I knew how to register and few commands since I was in another community as a part of management but then I left that community to be around here and lead my clan in this community. Then I started to join /events and I felt this server was awesome, the first event I joined was CTF - Ship and I realized how skilled are some players. Anyway, let's not go off topic, when I was trying to teleport somewhere else I didn't know how to do it and I asked in the main chat, something surprised me out and it was that A LOT of players answered me. I felt very thankful when they did so I did the command and it worked out, after a few time I asked for another command and guess what? They answered me too. GamerX have something that another communities don't have, REAL and HELPFUL people. I know I made some mistakes, I accept it, everyone make mistakes sometimes but I everyday try to fix them.
When I first joined this server, it was with clan wars purpose I didn't know anything about it. Of course I knew how to register and few commands since I was in another community as a part of management but then I left that community to be around here and lead my clan in this community. Then I started to join /events and I felt this server was awesome, the first event I joined was CTF - Ship and I realized how skilled are some players. Anyway, let's not go off topic, when I was trying to teleport somewhere else I didn't know how to do it and I asked in the main chat, something surprised me out and it was that A LOT of players answered me. I felt very thankful when they did so I did the command and it worked out, after a few time I asked for another command and guess what? They answered me too. GamerX have something that another communities don't have, REAL and HELPFUL people. I know I made some mistakes, I accept it, everyone make mistakes sometimes but I everyday try to fix them.